Favorite Ship

866 14 9

The author: Lui x Valt, Delta x Drum

Valt: Lui x Valt, Valt x Aiga

Shu:Shu x Valt,Lui x Shu

Rantaro:Rantaro x Wakiya

Ken:Ken x Ben

Daigo:Daigo x Valt

Wakiya:Rantaro x Wakiya

Nika:Shu x Nika

Toko:Shu x Valt

Xander:Xander x Valt

Zac:Zac x Valt

Lui:Lui x Valt, Lui x Shu

Free:Free x Valt,Free x sasha

Aiga:Fubuki x Aiga, Valt x Aiga

Fubuki:Fubuki x Aiga

Souh:Souh x Fubuki

Phi: Phi x Aiga

Drum: Delta x Drum

Delta: Delta x Drum

Sisco:Sisco x Rantaro, Rantaro x Wakiya

Hikaru:Shu x Valt

Hyuga:Shu x Valt

Gwyn:Delta x Drum, Gwyn x Drum

Boa:Shu x Valt

Sasha:Free x sasha, Free x Valt

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