Who steals my food?

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The author:Eating souffle pancakes

The author: (Go to the kitchen to find something drink)

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The author: (Go to the kitchen to find something drink)

Lui: (See the desserts, Take away it)

The author: (See her desserts is missing)

The author: Ahhhh.....Who steal my souffle pancakes?

The author: (Angry and find her souffle pancakes)

Lui: (Eat the author soufflepancakes)


Next day

Valt: (His eat the bey bread )

Valt: (Go to toilet to wash his hands)

Lui: (See the Beybreads ,take two away)

Valt: (After go to toilet)

Valt: (See his two Beybreads is missing)

Valt: Ahhhh,who eat my Beybreads

Valt:( Find his breads )

Lui: (Eat the Beybreads) Hmmm,delicious...

Time skip

Valt: (Angry)

The author: (Angry) 💢💢💢

Shu: Why you two are sad and angry

Valt: Someone eat my Beybreads

The author: And someone ate my souffle pancakes

Shu: I don't know

Lui: (Lick his lip) Hmmm


Lui: Delicious

Valt: Lui, What delicious

Lui: Actually, I eat you Beybreads,sorry

Valt: 💢💢💢💢

Valt: I hate you Lui....

Lui: (Sweat)......

The author: You find who eat you Beybreads,but I still don't know who eat my souffle pancakes

Lui: Souffle pancakes?

The author: Yeah...Yesterday I put on my table....suddenly is missing

Lui: Oh that, it delicious,oh...

The author :What, you eat my souffle pancakes?

Lui: Hmmm

The author: (Crying in suddenly) Lui is the most bad guys in world

Lui: No...No...I can explain

The author: I don't want to hear that (Run away)


Shu: You have trouble, Lui

Lui: I know......

Time skip

The author:(Still crying when she do the dalgona  coffee)My pancakes.........

The author: (After doing the coffee)

The author: (See a beautiful soufflepancakes on her table)

Card: Sorry to eat your soufflepancakes, sorry again,now it is for you, my hand made,hope you enjoy


The author: Apologize accept it (Try the soufflepancakes)

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The author: Apologize accept it (Try the soufflepancakes)

The author:Delicious, not bad

Lui, Valt: (smile)

Valt: Can I have the Beybreads?

Lui: Of course (Hold the Valtkrek Beybread)

Valt: Thank you Lui, love you (Kiss Lui face)

Lui: Me too my blueberry....

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