All I've ever wanted *6

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Arghh okay okay save your death threats! I’M SORRYY!!!

I know it has been absolutely ages since a last upload and I’m sorry! I really do not have an excuse… I’m sorry :(

But here’s your chapter… finally :P ♥


“So... thanks again Seth for... well everything” I mumbled twiddling with my thumbs nervously whilst looking at the floor.

“No problem” Seth smiled, running a free hand mindlessly through his thick glossy hair.

God he reminded me so much of Ethan when he did that.

No. Don’t think about him.

He wasn’t worth thinking about. You do not know Ethan. Do not think about him.

He’s not worth it.

I’m going to cry.

Oh god please don’t let me cry again! I really don’t think Seth can take much more of my crying. After the incident with Ethan, I’d spent the whole afternoon crying in his arms. Funny isn’t it? You don’t even know the guy yet you seem to be in his arms a hella lot today. I had been crying so much that my parents were afraid of me, and not even the doctors or nurses dared to disturb me to give me a check-up.

Just do not cry again!

“So... I’ll see you at school tomorrow?”

I froze. What?

Did he just ask if he’ll see me at school tomorrow? Of course I would be. Did he think just because what happened between me and Ethan or the humiliation that occurred at school this morning, that I was just not going to turn up? Did he think I was that much of a coward?

I felt myself suddenly get angry at Seth. Who did he think he was assuming I would be a coward? I did nothing wrong, I’m not the one that said all that stuff so I’m not the one who’s going to hide.

“Of course I would be at school tomorrow, why wouldn’t I be at school tomorrow? I have nothing to hide!” I snapped furiously at him.

I didn't mean for it to sound so harsh. Okay maybe I did, but the sudden look of shock on Seth’s face confirmed I had said it a little harsher than necessary.

“Whoa whoa, I know you don’t, I know” Seth held his hands up trying to calm me, “I just meant it like, can I meet you at school tomorrow? Like, when you get there can I meet up with you and go to class... together?” he said eyes warily awaiting my reply.

I exhaled a gush of relief. Okay I did feel a bit foolish now, but come on, I’m angry, upset, frustrated... of course I would assume the worst. It’s not like I expected him to ask me to meet up with hi-

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