The Discovery

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Chapter One:

You lived in a small town in Arizona for most of your life and you loved it there. You found the small town to be comforting and you never wanted to leave: but your parents had other plans. When they announced that you would be moving to Los Angeles, you were devastated. You would be moving away from the friends you worked so hard to gain and you would be starting your senior year in a new school. The day of the move, you waved goodbye to all your friends as you started the 5-hour drive to your new home. You expected the move to make your life worse but something happened. Something that you never expected to happen in your life.


You look up at the cloudy sky and sigh.

"I really hope it doesn't rain..." you mutter to yourself as you shuffle down the abandoned street. You left your house around ten and it feels like you've been out for over an hour. When you started the walk, you didn't think you would be out for this long. Obviously, you were wrong.

This is what I get for going on a walk this late at night and have no idea what the layout of this neighborhood is yet!

It didn't help that your phone died half way through your walk; and you had no idea how to get back home without it.

How am I supposed to find my way back home?! This was supposed to be a relaxing walk but now it's turned into a stressful nightmare!

You round the corner of the street and come to a halt.

I'm so lost...what should I do?...

You contemplate going up to a house and knocking on the door so you can get directions but you stop yourself.

It's really late at night and if I go up and knock on someone's door at this hour, they're going to yell at me...that would make my night even worse than it already is...

You glance at the apartment building nearest to you and a shocked expression comes across your face. One of the rooms on the second floor has a light on.

Everyone should be asleep by is a Monday night after all.

A spark of hope enters your mind as you start to walk towards the apartment building. You stop at the door and test the door handle to see if it's locked. To your surprise, it actually opens. You look down at the lock on the door for a moment with curiosity.

Aren't these doors normally locked?

You shrug it off and enter the building. You rush up the stairs, taking two at a time and once you reach the top of the stairs, you look at the empty hallway.

I'm not sure which door to check...

You look at the door at the end of the hallway and walk towards it. You stop in front of the door and take a deep breath.

I really hope this is the right door...

You gently knock on the door and patiently wait to see if someone will come. A minute or so passes and the dread of knocking on the wrong door starts to come over you and you turn to start walking away when the door opens behind you.

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