Day 21

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      21st April 2020

3:00 am

I had had lunch and had goe to sleep...

And now my sis woke me up at aroun 3 to ask me if I wanna have some food....

Like...ffs....lemme sleep

Anyways I refused her...and tried to go back to sleep....

8:30 am

I woke up to my aunt calling out for me....

I mostly had free classes today...but anyways...I was already awake so I got out of bed...

10:00 am

I ended up using the mob and talking to my friends....

12:00 pm

My elder sis called me to help her wax her arms....GAwd was it hectic...

It was pretty difficult but after a few or many.....tries we succeeded...

2:39 pm

I am not writing well in my diary today cuz I have mostly been wasting my time...

I watched some ONEUS vids...and their previous appearance on Weekly IDOL which vid was also 1 hr long....

The things I do for kpop idols....

The lectricity had been gone since around 11 am....

It wasn't back as yet....And TOday Is a realllYYYYYyyyy HOttTT dayyy...

I am sweating so bad and rn its no use to take a bath cuz I'll end up sweating bad again...

I decided to go downstairs and have lunch....

3:55 pm

The elctricity had come back abt 30 mins ago and after having lunch I was just talking with my fam...Dad was home already....

Then I decided to go upstairs and watch vids on my comp...My actual plan was to take a bath.....

But ya'll knw how many lies we tell ourselves....

5:20 pm

I watched vids....and now I was getting annoye at the amt of ants tat were randomly showing up on my comp table any I wanted to go and clean this up and then Imma take a bath....

I swear this is soooo aannoyinggg...

5:26 pm

I just cleaned it all up...and now....

I'll get mad it I see any more ants....


They're already wrong with 'emmmm.;,ewjifnweas n

Imma go take a cold shower and try to cool down...

6:17 pm

I got out of bath and got dressed....The cop table looks good and clean rn...Thank God 

I am relived...

Abt an hr left for Geography class.....

Okay....imma go downstairs.....

6:35 pm

I just came back upstairs....there was nth fun

6:48 pm

Imma just go downstairs.....for class...not much time left

6:57 pm

I came back upstairs with my choco milk and biscuits.....hihi

Ik I go back and forth a lot...

I decided to have the class here on my PC....

9:53 pm

I had gone downstairs for class as the internet was not working all well on my mob...

During the whole class I was talking to my friends.....

Too bored....Geography is sooooo boring...

Then I had dinner and then here I am back at my comp....

10:10 pm

The internet is soo shat in my comp whyyy?

And when it started working a bit dad called me for prayer, family prayer...

Anywaysss....imma now go to have family prayer....

11:22 pm

We finished having prayer a long time ago and now we were having family talk......

Imma have talk and will publish this later.....

(I uploaded this pretty late...the evening of the next day lol.....cuz I was buzy and I did not have my comp to upload it and dont have wattpad in any of the mobiles sooo)


That's it for todayy......Bye peeps!❤️If ya'll want to then share 'bout your day in the comments.

Much Love, Ern💜

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