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It has been two days since Lucas and I arrived at the fifth residence. Mina was in-charge of me while Momo attended to Lucas. Lucas and I only see each other every meal time. As silence filled the room, my arms and legs were spread out while I lay on the futon. Every morning I hear coordinated shouts that are far but still heard. I just convinced myself they were trainee 'gangsters', as I would like to call it.

When we arrived, I thought we were going to be temporarily living inside the modern house that Lucas and I spotted after getting off the car. But to our surprise, Momo led us to the a rather traditional looking house a few meters behind the modern one.

"Seola. Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Mina asked. Ah right, she's also here. I forgot about her.

I shook my head, my body not moving an inch. "Can I ask something? Tell me right away if you can't answer it."

Mina flipped another page of the book she's reading. "Go ahead."

"Are you part of the yakuza? I heard that women are not considered a part of the yakuza."

Mina sighed. "Of course I am. This clan accepts women but rarely. You can only be accepted if you're family or you're worthy. Even though Momo and I are the only family accepted, we still need to prove we are worthy."

"When I said earlier that Yuta is in trouble, what I meant was that he was in trouble because of us. He put Momo and I in-charge of you and Lucas, his guests. He put women in-charge of guests. To add a little background info, Yuta is the grandson of the clan's oyabun, or boss. In short, Yuta's the next oyabun but that's still a long time since our grandfather is still breathing."

I nodded in understanding. I sensed a little bit of bitterness in those words but I didn't pry. My sigh was cut short when the sliding suddenly opened. I yelped and Mina was in front of me already, aiming a gun at the intruder.

I peeked from Mina's shoulder when she put down her gun. "Don't startle me like that. I could've blown your head or something." Mina complained.

"I'm glad you didn't then." Yuta chuckled, waving his hand at me.

"D'you miss me?" He looked at me, wearing his usual smirk while I rolled my eyes at him.


Yuta and Jaehyun washed up after greeting us. Lucas and I were waiting for them in another room. Jaehyun went in with Mina and Momo with food and drinks. The three were fully clothed while Yuta had the audacity to walk in with just sweats covering his lower body and the towel hanging off his shoulders while drying his hair.

"Don't stare too much Seola." Yuta said and chuckled.

I scoffed, "As if. Would you mind starting this meeting?"

Jaehyun cleared his throat and spoke first. "Well, first of all, we're informing you that your brother is safe. Minimum eyes but maximum security. Second, we have identified the assassin who killed your father. Third, that person also killed Yuta's mother and Mina and Momo's parents. Fourth, your father isn't who you think he is. We found out that your father, after resigning at Johnny's company, went to work for a Japanese company but it turns out that it was controlled by a yakuza clan."

Yuta sighed and continued. "That clan and our clan has been enemies even before we were born. Johnny told us your father used to work for them? Do you still remember events from that time?"

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "I'm not really sure about why my dad resigned. And what about my dad 'not who he is'? What the fuck do you mean by that?"

Lucas patted my back. "Girl chill. It's nothing bad."

"Your father was blackmailed by that clan and threatened him which scared him. Your father played along and reported everything to Johnny's father for protection but eventually got caught. As Taeil and Mark investigated, they found out that on the way to pick you up the clan was the one responsible for your mother's death." Jaehyun continued.

"You mean... this person, no this- asshole and that clan is connected to your family and my family?" I turned to Yuta who was looking at me.

"Yeah. That fucker who burned our parents and killed your parents is part of that clan. They don't attack children, that's partly because my grandfather killed their oyabun's son who was just 5 years old that time and that's the reason you're alive. My old man was cruel to the bone back in the days and look who's suffering now." Yuta grumbled.

"Now that I'm an adult, he's after me? And if Seonho is an adult then... he'll go after him too?" I asked.

Momo shook her head. "That's what were trying to find out. You can't really do anything to them, or even benefit them by killing you and your brother. You're not even getting any threatening messages so what are they trying to do?"

Jaehyun sighed and patted his hand on the floor to get our attention. "Since that part is the most confusing, Johnny and I shared some ideas. He's doing his share of investigating as we speak. I'll head out now, see you three in China." 

"Wait, you're not coming with us?" Lucas stopped Jaehyun from standing up.

He shook his head. "Taeyong needs me back. Since Yuta is out of the country, I'll be replacing him temporarily. Chenle is also assigned to her brother at the moment." He said and pointed his finger at me.

"Did you tell Ri..." Lucas trailed and warily looked at Yuta.

Yuta pouted, a sight I never expected to see. "What?? Jaehyun's got a girl in China? Is that why he's sort of always there? You moved on already?"

Jaehyun sighed and stood up. "You'll get to see her when you arrive in China. I'll get going now." 

We bid our goodbye to him as he left the room. I slouched my back and cracked my knuckles, another habit I had ever since stress was introduced to me. "Did Yuto contact you already? I thought he said he'd get the info done after 2 days. Where is he now?" Yuta questioned his cousins.

Momo shrugged. "I thought so too. He called me yesterday morning, telling me he's on his way back but he's still not here. Considering the distance from there, he should've arrived last night."

"What if he's in trouble?" I suddenly asked.

Lucas laughed while I strangely looked at him. "They have ninjas on their side, before someone can shoot their gun on them their necks are already sliced."

I gasped with my hands covering my mouth. "They really exist? For real? Do I get to meet one?" I continuously asked. 

Mina rolled her eyes. "Yes they do. They are mostly under our grandfather's beck and call but just last year he gave Class 1 to Yuta."

I held my hands up. "I'm not even gonna ask what those classes mean. But... is someone here with us too?"

"I'll kill them if they try to spy on me." Yuta muttered while giving off a murderous aura along with Mina and Momo. Too shocked to say anything, I turned my head to look at Lucas who was also mirrored me. 

I stifled a laugh. "Sorry- um, yeah, kill them if you want." I shrugged and continued. "But before that, Yuta... do you perhaps have some drinks in here? I've been craving them."

He smirked, "I was wondering when that bad habit of yours is gonna show. Follow me, let's go to the main house. Momo, take care of Lucas for tonight. Mina, you know what to do without me telling right?"

Mina confidently nodded while the room once occupied by people was now empty. Yuta held his hand in front of me while I strapped the sandals Momo gave me.

"Hold my hand and don't let go. Ignore what I said if you want to die early." The first part made him look soft then came the second sentence that gave me chill to my bones. I harshly put my hand above his and gripped his hands.

"You didn't really need to threaten me with that shit." I muttered under my breath.

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