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"Fuck you mom!" I screamed before i shut the door and locked it

Let me get you up to speed here, im Jade Valdez, im 16 years old and my life sucks. My mom is an alcoholic, my dad overdosed on drugs, my oldest sister is never home, my older brother is in a gang, and my second older sister is a prostitut. Im the youngest obviously, and the only one that goes to school. The rest of them dropped out, i dont like school at all but its the only way I'll be able to get out this shithole one day.

Its a Friday and my mom is drunk, she kept on telling me to give her my phone for no reason, i got annoyed and cursed her out. I mean i guess i love my mom sometimes but thats only when shes not drunk.


I got up and went towards the window and got out with my skateboard, i know stupid considering i live in a two story house but i could care less. I've done this so many times so i know where everything is, where the skate park is, the gas station and shit where the scary dark ass fucking alley is, i know never to go through there. I know i might seem tough to y'all right now but im such a pussy.

I decided that i would go to the skate park first and then the gas station to get some snacks. Even though my family is broke i still have money for myself the only reason for that is because i have a job, a shitty one, but hey i still get money for working there.

When i was skating to the skate park i heard footsteps behind me so i stopped. I know my dumb ass stopped. You know that saying 'curiosity killed the cat' yup that might happen to me one day, and think it's today.

"Hello?" No answer

"Is someone there?" No answer

Probably just a cat or dog, i hope

When i got to the skate park i saw two kids maybe my age or a year older buying something- yup they're buying drugs. The place where i live is pretty fucked up, drugs, cigarettes, gangs, guns, robberies, and oh let's not forget beating up people. I live on the bad side of Colorado and my school is ok, alot better than this but at the same time the same. At my school kids from here go there and the kids that are rich. I have no friends thank god, but i did have a boyfriend, he was from where i was so we got along pretty well, that was until his mom and dad divorced and he went with his mom and stepdad to live on rich side, then he dumped me, i know what a prick.

{A/N: i hope y'all are liking this so far 🙃}

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