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I got out the car and started walking to the door. I knocked a couple of times but nothing. I signed sadly and started to walk away. I was hoping someone would open the door but nothing. I got in the car with alessio

"You ok?"

"Ya, im fine" i tear fell out my eye

"Why did you come back so fast?"

"N-no one answered the door"


"Dont call me that please, can you just drive?"





We got back to the house, i ignored everyone and went straight to the room. I slam the door shut i slid down the door and started to cry. Why me? This is the only time i wished my dad was dead, and in hell! I got up and went to the restroom. I locked the door and looked in the drawers for something sharp. I found a pocket knife in the very back. I sat down on the toilet and thought to myself,

am i worth it, no (1 cut)
Am i unless, yes (3 cuts)
Am i loved, no (5 cuts)
Should i live, no (8 cuts)
am dumb for doing this, yes (15 cuts)

Last thing i remembered was blood flowing out the restroom and alessio banging on the door, then everything went black

Alessio's POV

When i was walking to the room i saw blood outside the bathroom door.

"Jade you ok, what happened, why is there blood?" No answer

"Jade!" No answer

I pushed the door down and saw jade on the toilet, with her arms bleeding


I pick her up bridal style and tell gio te get in the back with her

Gio's POV

I saw alessio carrying a bloody Jade

"Get in the back gio"

"Im going"

He put Jade in the back with me to make sure she isn't loosing a lot of blood


We got to the hospital and they took her in immediately

"Honey you cant go in there" a nurse was holding alessio from entering the room they put jade in

"You don't understand-"

"Does it look like i care?"

She walked away and alessio came to sit down next to me

Jade's POV

I woke up in the hospital, i saw alessio, gio, mia, and Leanin

"Why am i here?" I asked confused

"U-um.. you cut"

"Couldn't you just wrap me up at the house?"

"You lost to much blood" mia jumped in mine and alessio's convorsation

"Should have just left me" i mumbled under my breath

I guess alessio heard it because he looked up at me and his face softened.

"Dont say that" he put his hand onto mine and i quickly pulled away

"I just wanna be alone"


"Please alessio"

Everyone started to walk out except for alessio he layed on the bed next to me


"Please Jade, i dont want you to be alone right now"

"Ugh, whatever" i turned so my back faced him

I started sobbing as quiet as possible but it didn't work. I felt alessio wrap his arm around

"You're ok jade" he kissed head

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