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(Y'all ok so like das my fav song thats not from alessio^ and if you want you can listen to it when it says there's a sad part, so likeeee enjoy :))

Its been 2 hours since and alessio barely got out of surgery, im so happy he's alive. The nurses said that we cant see him until he gets enough rest

"I kept my promise Mia" she smiled and hugged me

I looked over Mia's shoulder and saw my sister? What is Megan doing here "I'll be right back Mia"

"Ok" i let go from the hug and walked over to Megan (the prostitute)

"Meg? What are you doing here?!"

"J! Did you here about mom?"

"W-what happened?"

"She, um, s-she um.."

"Meg you ok, I've never seen you like this, what happened with mom? Is she ok?"

"She got shot on the shoulder really close to the heart...."


"When?" I asked

"3 days ago, she's been resting but she hasn't woken up"


"Why are you here?"

"My um, my boyfriend got shot, in the stomach, by..."

"By who? Have you told the police?"

"No! And we won't"


"Because I've been missing, and the least i wanna do right now is go through more stress"


"Thank you-"

"Who shot him though? Did you see his face?"

"It was dad.."

"Th-thats not possible he's dead-"

"Thats what i thought"

"I have to go check if mom is awake, hope your boyfriend feels better" she hugged me and i hugged back

"Thanks, I'll visit mom later"


"Bye Meg"

"Bye J"


We got home and alessio was safe and alive "thank you Jade"


"Taking care of me and.."

"What? And what?"

"I love you"

"I love you too" he kissed me and i kissed him back

"Im going to go get groceries" i told everyone

"Be safe" alessio said

(This part might be triggering so if you're not comfortable reading rape or sexual harassment or anything like that i recomend you skip the rest of the chapter, also you can listen to posty's song while reading this part, love you all)

I got to ralphs and started walking to it. I heard a car pull up next to me i ignored it and went inside.


After i was done with everything I payed and got out. As i was walking to my car the same car pulled up, someone got out and put something over my mouth

"Hey princess"

"Who a-are you" my eyes started getting heavy and i felt my body get weaker

"Let's just say we arnt really siblings"

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