Chapter 3: It comes with the fun of a party.

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I step up onto the patio with Selena right by my side. I take a deep breath and walk through the door. The instant smell of alcohol fills my nose and I sigh. It's been so long since I have been to a party... I missed it.

"Want to get a drink?" I ask, Selena nods her head, not bothering to talk due to how loud the music is. We walk to the Kitchen where the drinks are and I grab a one. I take a sip and feel the familiar burn of alcohol. I missed this I take another sip and smile. "B-Bella-" Selena nudges me. "Yes?" I turn around towards Selena and she is staring at a built body coming towards us. "Oh no" I panic as I realize who it is. I'm not prepared to face him, not now. "Bella, You'll be fine" Selena whispers in my ear. I nod my head and take a swig off my drink. The burn of it calms me.

"Bella! I didnt know you'd be here!" Colby greets me. "nor did I honestly" I respond. Colby looks at me skeptically. "What?" I question him. "N-nothing, Its just.." he stutters. "Just what?" I Question further. He looks down than straight into my eyes "You haven't been here in a while.." he says cautiously. "So?" I start to become uncomfortable thinking about the last time I was here. "Don't worry, it doesn't matter. Just glad to see you here" he shrugged "Thanks, I guess I'm glad to be here too" I reply with a small smile. We stared into each others eyes for a moment before he comes back to reality "Well I have to go, hope you enjoy the party"  he walks off and I just nod my head.

"What the fuck just happened?" Selena was grinning ear to ear. Oh no "Nothing, I was trying to be nicer like you asked me to" I answered and chugged the rest of my drink, grabbing another. "looked more like you two were announcing your love for one another through your eyes" she says and I just glare at her before downing half of my drink.

"I dont give a fuck, tonight I'm here to have fun, got it?" I look at her seriously "Got it" she replied, almost intimidated. I smiled and finished my second drink of the night.

"Want to dance?" I grin.


Fuck I wince as I fall off the couch I fell asleep on last night. My head is aching and I feel the urge to throw up. Hangovers the worst feeling you get after a night of fun. I suppose it all comes with the fun of parties. I slowly blink my eyes open and see the familiar lounge room. Memories of last night flood back in. Just as I go to get up, a voice is heard "Morning" Colby looks down at me and I wince at the noise "Ugh, morning" I reply. I look around to see that the room is already spotless. "Everyone left early this morning but I figured you could sleep in and I'd take you home, you drank a lot last night so I knew your hangover would be killer" he answered my thoughts. "Thanks" I tried to smile up at him but grimaced due to the light shining in. "Hop up, I have breakfast and coffee in the kitchen" he said and I stood immediately at the word coffee. Colby chuckled and walked into the kitchen "You are still obsessed with coffee obviously" he commented and shrugged "Its still the most amazing drink created" I said, thinking back to the time when I was thirteen and told him that I tried coffee and loved it. Ever since then, when I went to his house for a sleep over, he would make me a coffee and would add a heap of mini marshmellows because I love them.

I sit on a stool at his marble counter top and rest my head on my fists. I look around and instantly feel the nostalgia coming back to me. Before I could stop it, the fight that had happened over a year ago popped into my head.

"you told me that you would be there for me no matter what!" I scream as Colby stands in the kitchen, fuming "I am! Just because I make other friends doesnt mean that I am not there for you!" he screams back harshly. I look in his beautiful eyes and frown "you blow me off for them and constantly insult me, Selena and Joel whenever those scums are around" I say calmly "Bella, you know I dont mean what I say" Colby pleads but this makes me annoyed "So why say it?! Why hurt people who are there for you for people who arent?!" I raise my voice once again "Because life isnt fair, buttercup" Colby says but I clench my fists at his excuse "Im finished with this" I say, enraged. "good, we can cool off and go out for ice-cream later" Colby sighes in relief. "No, I mean Im finished with your dishonesty, your disrespect and Im finished with you" I say deadly calm. "Bella! Why? Because you cant get over the fact that I found new friends?" Colby asks and that was the last straw "Bye Colby" I say, glaring at his gorgeous features.

I am interrupted when I feel someone shaking my shoulders "Bella" Colby says and I look up at him with worried eyes "Colby" I say, my voice shaky. "I-" I start but Colby interrupts "You had a flash back to the- the fight, didnt you?"
"I- I- Yeah" I stutter, the pain in my heart is getting to hard to handle and my head is spinning a million miles an hour. "maybe I should just go" I say quickly "No! I wanted to talk to you Bella" Colby stops me from standing up. I sit down and nod my head "What is it?" I ask, curiously.

Authors note
How are you liking it so far? Sorry I have been away for a while but I hope you are okay in this hard time. Thank you to my 3 readers who actually have read atleast one of my chapters 😂 love the support but please give me critiques, so I can improve!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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