Suppressants ~ 1

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POV: Third Person

"Izuku!" Inko's voice wailed, strong and full of concern. "You can't be forgetting things as important as your scent suppressants! Goodness me, Izu!" She scolded lightly, unzipping the greenettes backpack and stuffing the small tub in, filled with white and blue pills.

"S-Sorry mother.." The teen apologised, eyes glued to the floor. "I was just excited to be going back to school.. That's all.."

"Well.. I know, sweetie.." The woman smiled. "Just make sure you take them! Forget one time, and who knows what could happen.." Her voice wavering to the end.

"Of course! It's a new term.. I wont forget a single day!" Midoriya assured, smiling at his mother before turning towards the school and heading off, waving as he left.

As a precaution, U.A high did supply scent suppressants to all students that attended, however, Izuku as an Omega, had particularly strong scents for his age, and had to take his own.

Nobody was allowed to go to classes if they were in heat or craving a partner, and normally had their doors locked, with food and water inside of course.

As Izuku walked, he thought back to the first days at U.A, where everyone in the class had to announce if they were an Alpha, Beta or Omega. It was pretty daunting for him, as most of the students were fierce Alphas, only a handful of them were Omegas, and surprisingly, no Betas.

Obviously, the greenette stuck to his Omega friends like glue; Ochako, Iida, Tsuyu, and Todoroki.

There was a shocked reaction when Todoroki announced himself as Omega, as many thought he produced an Alpha outlook, but those who got to know him saw his soft, mushy side.

Upon reaching the gates of his familiar looking high school, the teen sighed to himself, dragging his feet towards the dorms to unpack in his room.


"Deku-kun!!" A familiar bubbly voice calls out, just mere seconds after Izuku's arrival.

"O-Ochako! Hi!" Midoriya smiles, greeting his friend with a small wave.

"How are you? How was your summer?" She asks, eyes lighting up.

"Uh, I'm great! I had a pretty normal summer.."

"We'll have to catch up, along with Iida too! After we've unpacked, of course!" The brunette giggles, her excited personality never failing to entertain the greenette.

"Sure!" He agrees. "I think the whole class pretty much reserves the first day off back together for chatting anyway, so I'm sure we'll be able to all speak soon!"

Ochako smiles in agreement, picking up her suitcase, waving at Izuku quickly before heading to her dorm room, the boy doing the same shortly after.

As he entered the same lift he always uses, a difference in the atmosphere hit his face like a bus. His senses were filled with a strange smell, lingering in the lifts. It was like liquor, mixed with... caramel?

Whatever it was, the boy couldn't seem to get enough, shivering, whining, weak in the knees, trembling at his ankles, and panting each hot breath before the lifts opened and the scent evaporated.

His mind seemed to snap out of the strange, addicting trance he was stuck in, shaking his head quickly and cursing himself for acting so weird.

As he stumbled to his room, shoving his suitcase on his bed, the sequences in the lift were best left forgotten with the embarrassment tied to them. The next task was unpacking.


"I'm aware that today will be time preparing for schoolwork and studying." Aizawa announces, as everyone gathers in the common area. "However, the need to do so is not strict, just yet. You may catch up as you like, but please prepare somewhat for dormitory and school life for the next term." He states, looking round at the students.

An audible groan could be heard from Denki's mouth, sending a few giggles to the rest of the class.

"Oh, and a notice.." The sleepy male continues. "It has come to my attention that an Alpha missed a suppressant today. Our scent monitors picked up on it earlier, and whoever it is must take the pill immediately, or there will be consequences."

The green haired teen thought back to the lift, his eyes widening in realisation.

"A-Alpha s-scent?" He mutters to himself, barely audible. That explains the reasoning behind why he couldn't stop himself, and why it was so addicting.

The class soon broke into muttering, as a smell of cooking escaped from the kitchen nearby, and students went off into their groups.

"How very irresponsible.." Iida began, as he walked over to Izuku, Ochako joining them. "Alphas have no idea the struggle it is for an Omega to contain themselves when smelling a scent! The rude and selfish act of not taking a suppressant is worse than they may think!" He scolds, hands flinging about the place.

"I agree!" Uraraka pouts, hands sitting on her hips. "Forgetting isn't an excuse! Thank goodness none of us Omegas got caught in the scent."

Izuku's eyes fall to the floor in shame, as he shakily twists his thumbs around one another.

"Deku-kun?" The brunette asks, tone seeping with worry.

"I- I.. I think I m-may have g-got caught up in the scent..." He admits, voice trembling.

"Midoriya! Are you alright?" Iida exclaims.

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine.. I guess it was just a little strange, that's all.."

The blue haired male frowns in worry. "Midoriya.. You do know that-"

"Dinner! Come eat guys!!" Mina shouts, the class rushing over to the table, cutting off Iida in the process. 


Caught up - BakuDeku Omegaverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now