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Harry watched her, an amused expression over his features as his little Amelia became more comfortable around him.

''You're quite bold this evening, kitten.''

''What can I say, you bring out the worst in me.'' She smiled at him, watching how the corner of his eyes wrinkled from how brightly he was smiling.

He eyed her with amusement and maybe a little bit of lust, which he wouldn't admit. ''I hope that won't be the only thing I'll bring out of you tonight.'' Harry flashed her a soft wink to which she rolled her eyes with a soft chuckle, not minding his dirty insinuation.

Amelia licked her lips in expectation. She couldn't deny how badly she wanted to feel his touch, she was very much eager to find out how his fingers would play her. Just as much as he teased her, she decided to tease him back, hoping her plan wouldn't backfire on her.

''Dance with me.'' She told him quietly, biting down on her bottom lip.

That same bottom lip he had between his lips minutes ago. Harry told himself once more than he wanted to take it slow with her, that he wouldn't lose control and scare her, she was too important to him for that.

''I'm all yours.''

In the pit of her heart, Amelia really wished he was. Hers and hers only. She was afraid to voice out her feelings, not knowing if Harry would be scared and push her away due to his past. But the ginger felt almost certain of her feelings which had been growing gradually inside of her heart over these last few months. She didn't care if people thought they hadn't known each other for that long to have feeling for one another, because they didn't know them like Amelia and Harry did.

Would she give voice to her undying feelings, or would she keep herself quiet just so she could have more time with Harry? She didn't know. In fact, Amelia always believed that time was something everyone took for granted, including her, but ever since meeting Harry she felt unsure. The girl who never asked for anything, found herself asking and pleading for more time with him, as much as she could get. 

Being able to bring out an ounce of courage, she took his hand and carefully made her way through the sweaty moving bodies around them until they got to one of the corners of the pub, slightly darker than the rest of the room since the light didn't shine precisely over it. As she let go of his hand, he suddenly gripped her wrist and brought her back to him, her back colliding with his strong chest, drifting off a gasp from her sealed lips.

She didn't pull away, thought. She couldn't, she was far too drunk on him to be able to do so. His hand – those long and slender fingers cladded with rings – slid around her waist and carefully cooed her closer, his warm breath over her ear and Amelia felt like melting to the floor. His hips slowly but surely moved to the beat of the music and encouraged hers to move the same. But something felt different.

His touch wasn't as careful as she was used to, igniting a sense of wilderness in her body, she didn't hate it and she was surprised when she found herself looking for more of those touches. Harry gripped her hip in his hand, calmly moving her with him until their bodies were grinding against each other and soft gasps were able to be heard in the small space between them.  Amelia bit down on her bottom lip, the feather like touches feeling so intimate and almost a secret, her small hand placing itself on top of his, to which Harry smiled and laced their fingers together.

He wanted to see to what extent her resolve was, a sly smirk over the corner of his lips as he leaned down, lips brushing over her earlobe and making her shiver.

''What are you planning on doing to me, love?'' He whispered to her in a low yet sweet voice, making her insides clench as her lips parted.

That question held so much meaning behind it, Amelia knew it did, but right now all she wanted was to keep feeling his touch on her. The girl had never really acted sensual for someone, but for Harry you could bet your ass she would. She felt daring, wanting to make him just as a goner as she was, gripping his hand on hers as Amelia slowly lifted it making Harry let go of her hip. 

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