Chapter 4

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Eventually, the truth was revealed that the Countess was at fault, but Athanasia had already died in vain. In addition to all that, Claude, who never loved anyone other than Jennette, didn't feel an ounce of guilt or regret for killing his first daughter.

Jennette, the protagonist, suffers from guilt over Athanasia's death, until she's comforted in her fiance's arms and puts the ordeal behind her. And the story ends with "I lived happily ever after until I died."


It pisses me off just thinking about it. I don't know what the author was thinking giving Athanasia such a meaningless death. The junior high school student, a die hard fan of the novel, said that it's exaggerated to emphasize the tyrant dad's one and only love, Jennette.

Well, it's not like I really liked Athanasia, but she was better than Claude and Jennette. I could care less what happens to other people in this world as long as I'm happy...but I can't just stand by and watch. Why? Because it seems I've become that very Athanasia, that's why!


I suddenly get so upset that I cry out loud, I didn't want to believe it at first, but not believing is not an option anymore. There's too many similarities to that stupid novel! Even when I try to ignore the feeling of "wrongness", it's not an easy thing to do.


Lily comes into my room at the sound of my cries.

"Why is my princess so upset?"

Burying my face in her familiar chest, I continue sobbing. I can't look at Lily anymore.

"Maybe you're hungry?"

Lillian York. The only person from who believed and claimed that princess Athanasia was innocent in "Lovely Princess." In return for defending her, she also gets killed by Claude.

Despite being aware of the Ruby Palace incident, Lillian still volunteers to become Athanasia's nanny. The reason being Athanasia's mother, Diana.

Diana, a dancer, was a beautiful woman with moon-like golden hair and mystic purple eyes. In addition to her beauty, she was a very talented dancer which allowed her to dance in the Imperial Palace during a banquet. Lillian always admired how Diana's spirit was as free as a bird. But Diana eventually dies after giving birth, and Claude, shockingly, slaughters everyone in the Ruby Palace.


Claude you asshole! I cry louder and louder, making Lily panic.

"Oh, princess what's wrong?"

How can I not cry? No matter what I think, I'm pretty sure I ended up in that wreck of a world inside the book.

The friendship between Lillian and Diana is explained very briefly in the novel, but still, I was very impressed by it. Their beautiful friendship was like one I witnessed in a movie when I was invited over to a classmate's birthday party. The friendship between Anne and Diana! Yes, I didn't have a friend. That's why I envied their friendship.

But, Lily still dies at the end with Athanasia.


"Is it time to change her diaper?"

Ah, wait! I didn't pee!

"She's not hungry and it's not the diapers..."

Waa, my innocence! The me who was forcefully undressed, now starts crying fretfully. Even though it's not my first time being in this kind of situation since I've been in this body, I still haven't had a lot of mental breakdowns yet!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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