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Chapter 17: Love

Mark finally reached and banged on the door, at first there was no reply but Mark banged his once again when the door finally jerked opened, without thinking twice he roughly grabbed the person collar and pushed him against the wall

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!" he yelled, the latter only chuckled at Mark 

"Why? did she send you?" he said with a smirk

 "I'm serious Damon tell me how to stop this" Mark replied, his voice now softer and on the verge of breaking 

"and why would I? I almost died Mark!"

"But you didn't! Tell me what the fuck happend or else-" Mark was cut off by Damon

"Or else what? you want me to believe that a boy who had to run away cause of some shitty reason, is going to hurt me?"

his words sliced through Marks hear and loudly rang through his ears, he slowly let go of Damon's collar and looked down at his feet while hot tears ran down his face

It took a second for Damon to realize what he said, he knew deep down that regardless of what happened with his sister, He deeply did care about Mark

"Fuck, I'm sorry Mark I didn't mean to i-"

This time it was mark who cut Damon off

"It's ok I get it, I can't do shit on my own, heck I thought just this once I could protect someone I love, but I don't think I can lose you in the process," Mark said still looking down, and it hurt Damon even more. Damon sighed thinking for a moment

"Fine I will tell you, but I never want to see her"

Marks head jerked up, his eyes finally met Damons and a smile spread across his sharp features


"yes Mark" Damon said happily that Mark finally smiled, with that Mark pulled him in a hug, his emotions flooding through his mind.

Both boys were sitting across each other, Mark fiddled with his fingers trying to prepare himself for what the older boy was going to say



"Love can save her Mark"

Marks only grew more confused, Damon who noticed began to explain.

(Hahaha im not telling yall what he said tho)

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