First day

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Chapter 18: First day   (edited 28/6/2020)

It was the already the next day and all Mark could think of was his feelings towards the broken girl. Either way, he shrugged the thought off and got ready for his first day at the cafe. Slipping on the work attire that he had gotten from the place, it was a light beige button-up, with black pants and a brown half length waist canvas apron (pic is above for further reference), he also put on some additional jewelry that mainly consisted of a bracelet and a silver watch, finally, he wore his black dress shoes and made his way out, he looked towards the mirror but wasn't surprised when he didn't see Luana, sighing he left t]his house and walked towards the cafe.

*Time skip to the Cafe with Winter*

  "Ok that's all, remember that the coffee needs to be pressed ok?"

"Yes, Thanks Winter" the mentioned girl nodded and made her way to open the cafe. Mark leaned against the counter waiting for customers to walk-in

"So are there other workers here? or is it just us" Mark asked  

"There are 2 others, theirs Jaehyun (Nct) and Jaemin both are from Korea, they are here to peruse performing arts, Jamin is 17 and Jaehyun recently turned 18 (NCT) "

 she replied

"Wait so you're the only girl? is it not awkward?" Winter laughed at his questions

"You sure do ask a lot of questions, and yes I'm the only girl, Its mainly because the other girls that were hired would always try to flirt with the boys, which Jackson did not like since it made the boys uncomfortable. And no it's not awkward because Jaemin is a family friend and Jaehyun... well you'll see"

Mark nodded slightly confused at what she meant about Jaehyun, he was snapped back into reality when he heard the door open, Jackson walked in with a frown on his face

"Why did I have to be so hot" And both Winter and Mark facepalmed hearing that 

"Rice Jackson, Rice" Winter replied to which Jackson smirked at

*sksksk I'm lazy so time skip to Jaehyun and Jaemin coming for there shifts*

The door opened again and 2 men walked in wearing the same work Attire as Mark, the shorter of them both, looked at Mark and his face immediately lit up, he quickly made his way to Mark and offered a handshake 

"Hi I'm Jaemin, You must be Mark!" 

Mark was taken aback by his enthusiasm be either way smiled and shook his hands, the other guys who as obviously Jaehyun, lightly slapped Jaemin's head

  "Idiot, stop being so loud, Hi I'm Jaehyun" he also went in for a handshake, the first thing Mark noticed was his dimples and Mark smiled at how adorable the guy looked

"I'm telling your boyfriend you hit me" Jaemin said making the 2 boys tear away from the handshake

"what?" -M

"why!?" -J

both mark and Jaehyun said at the same time, Mark looked Back at Jaehyun

"You're younger than me but already have a love life TT" Mark said holding his chest pretending to be hurt, Jaehyun and Jaemin looked at him amused

"You don't mind me being gay?" Jaehyun said hesitantly

"Nah man, why would I, but I better get to meet him"Jaehyun sighed out of relief while Jaemin smiled and hugged Mark

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