Chapter 1:The Peppermint cat is a GUY?!

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Midoriya's POV

               "IZUKU," calls my mom "look at this one!" I walk over and see that Mom is talking about a peppermint colored cat. That confuses me for a moment, then I look at the cat again. It seems like...its judging me or something. "looks like a peppermint"I mutter under my breath. "I'll take this cat". Says Mom, the cashire eyes the cat warily. "are you sure this cat has been returned 3 times. That scares me a little but Mom nodes. As I study the cat more I notice it has a dark splotch over its blue eye, like a defect...or...a burn.

                                    ***Time skip at Deku's house now***

Todoroki's POV

                               The woman this week is named Inko, she's been nice so far. But her son is like, watching me 24/7 and it's kind of creeping me out. His name is Midoriya-Izuku Midoriya. Yeah, he's being a little shifty. So I just avoid him...which is hard to do because they're not alot of avoiding space. I basically hide under a couch...pretty pathetic, I know. But mainly I just do this to steal money. I feel a little bad about it but, hey you gotta do what you gotta do to keep your friends alive. ESPECIALLY when your an ani-breed, most people would think the ears and tail are part of my quirk. Which isn't true my quirk is half hot half cold, it can be useful. But i cant use it in my cat form. I pause, there going to sleep okay time to strike in...3 minutes

                                       ***3 minutes cuz I'm lazy***

                                Okay, got the stuff aaaand the only way out is the door...why do people never leave windows open. I poof into my human form and grab Midoriya's keys. And maybe I could have made it out if I hadn't frozen when I heard him gasp                                                                                     

Midoriya's POV                                                                

                               "Holy mother of shit"I say, It was my immediate reaction okay don't blame me for cussing. See what you'd say if you saw a cat transform into a hot guy, your reaction might not be so calm. The guy stiffens "ohhhh...hey...Midoriya...this is...," he searches for the right word "awkward" he finishes. I stare "you were just--are you a--how are--is that your--hi"I splutter. See my smooth play with words there? I want to facepalm every time I think about it (T^T) "so I'm going to leave now..." says Peppermint Hair. Realizing that he's leaving I manage to say "w-wait, uhhhm,  w-what's your name" He hesitates. "Todoroki--S-shoto Todoroki" he stutters. I think he tried to hide the stutter but he failed. Then Shoto Todoroki leaves...hmm he was hot.

                                        ***about...5 minutes later***

Todoroki's POV

                                      walk through the trees in the forest toward the camp. I'm trying to not scream in frustration. Why the hell did I stutter  and the fact that I'm blushing isn't helping either. HE WAS SO CUTE!!!!! But I can't like him because...because...reasons "SHOTO LOOKOUT!!!" yells Uraraka. I'm wondering what she means when a red and white husky tackles me to the ground. "ACK, PFFF KiRisHiMa!!!GET OFF!!!! NO, DOWN!!!" I manage to push the dog off of me, he poofs to his human form smiling wickedly. "hey, good greeting or what" he says. I glare at him then turn my eyes to Uraraka "you could've warned me" I say grudgingly. "I did it's you who didn't move"she mutters. I smile as I wipe the dog slobber off of me "glad to see your still sarcastic" Kirishima, our insanely happy dog ani-breed flops onto his back. He's also a amazing chef,        Uraraka-a cat ani-breed like me is sorta here as a counselor or something but she keeps the happiness levels high. Not that Kirishima couldn't do that on his own the fact that he smiles all the time tends to cheer even me up. "So how much did ya get" asks Uraraka. "not a lot," I groan "I would have gotten more but this Broccoli haired kid--Midoriya was his name, kind of interrupted me" Uraraka grins. "w-why are giving me that look" I ask "Ohhh no reeaasooon"she says. I narrow my eyes "there's never 'no reason' when it comes to you Uraraka" mumbles Kirishima. I nod "like, ever"I add. She just smiles like there's something I'll never know.

Midoriya's POV

                                             I stood in the dark for like 20 minutes until Todoroki comes back. Quietly, he closes the door then turns sees me and jumps spitting out a string a cuss words. "Why the fu-uhm, w-why are you still...awake?" he asks. I shrug "maybe because your a ANI-BREED"I put emphasis on that last word. He winces "'d you know I ani-breed" Todoroki ask. "oh deductive reasoning"I say casually. "uh huh..." he mutters. Then he takes a step toward me. I tense he puts his left finger under my nose and says:"sorry Midoriya"FOOSH his finger blazes of fire right as I'm taking a breath in. I get no air and I black out.


    Sorry if anyone thinks the chapter is short I planned on making it longer but I think 837 words is enough. Also sorry if the story gets a bit fucked up it's my first story that I'm publishing. This story has been written like 2 times before so it's been improved...A LOT Anywaaay, 

Shadow Dragon OUT                       

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