Chapter 7: SAVE THEM!

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???? POV(third person btw)

                               The hero laughs. "oh he is soooo SCREWED!!!" says a girl happily. The hero kills the laugh and glares at the girl. "shut the fuck up". They're silent for a moment then they both laugh. The clone rolls his eyes. Why are they so weird, he thinks. "shut it" mutters a person in the corner. They both stop laughing. "oh, sorry!" the girl says cheerfully. "yeah you guys are the worst...YOU especially" He says from his spot in the corner. The hero stares hatefully at him. "you would have never found him without me" he replies. Silence for a moment. "yeah we would have eventually found him again" The clone spits out. They would have most definitely found him even the clone knew that. So what if he was only a clone, a shadow, of the real thing. He was better in so many ways. Destroying the original was there--no his goal, to prove he was the better one...better than Shoto Todoroki. (I really hope you got who it was...I can't make it more obvious

Midoriya's Pov(first person for regular characters)

                                        I sit shivering in the cell I would have broken out hours ago but for some reason my quirk isn't working. Then he walks in, Hashien. I scramble backwards...slightly scared. He only smiles. "hey, Midoriya. Sorry about this it was the only place we had left...where your quirk would be blocked" He tells me happily. I only stare. He kicks the door shut behind him. Oh shit I think. I swallow nervously "wh-what happened to my friends" I stammer. He crouches in front of me and strokes my face...creepily I might add. "why worry about I'm happy we kept you alive, remember what I said?" he pauses giving me like 1 second to answer. "your cute you know that. That's why I asked if I could keep you. I mean sure you have family and they care about you but...I treasure you, I don't blame Todoroki for liking you." he says all this with a smile. I blink "what--what do want" He simply smiles. "to treasure you of course" then he kissed me. I struggle instantly. He pulls away "man...that was nice" I'm starting to realize this guy is insane on so many levels. He smiles and from that point on I know the smile isn't because he's happy. But he's just completely insane, utterly and completely insane.

Todoroki's POV

                                     BOOM!!! A wall explodes to our left, wait no just the sound of explosions. "uh...should I break through or..." mutters Kirishima. "no the wall seems thick. Let me" He takes three steps back as I start cooling the air to make the blast of fire stronger. Then FOOSH I send a column of flames at the wall and basically reduce it to rubble right as a very grumpy haf-breed is screaming. 

"I'LL KILL YOU YOU GOT THAT I'LL--KILL--YOU--OH YOU COME TO KILL ME I'LL KICK YOUR ASSES" He lunges at us but I quickly side step. "we came to save you" I say blandly. "YEAH WOOOOOOH BAKUGOU" Kirishima hugs the anger out of him. "what the hell get the fuck off before I kill you" Bakugou complains. "no" mumbles Kirishima. "SERIOUSLY, THEY MIGHT FUCKING ACTIVATE THE COLLAR SO GET OFF" He pushes Kirishima off of him, then scratches at the collar around his neck absentmindedly. "I'll get it off!" Kirishima beams. He activates his quirk and starts sawing at the collar with his hand. We all stand there in awkward silence until the collar comes off with a satisfying snap. Bakugou keels over scratching his neck "THANK YOU HOLY MOTHER OF SATAN" I blink "holy mother of Satan...if Satan is a demon is his mom holy?" Kirishima pats my shoulder. "it's a metaphor...I think" I nod.

 "okay I--we have to get to Uraraka" Kirishima looks at me. "yeah we have to save her" he emphasises the we. Bakugou glances at us still scratching his neck. "who the hell is Uraraka" I don't bother. Wait... "Midoriya...we need to save him to" Bakugou being rude starts screaming his ass off "MIDORIYA?! YOU MEAN FUCKING DEKU I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL FUCKING KILL HIS MOTHERFUCKING ASS YOU KNOW HOW?! I'LL--""NO, STOP, we don't want to know okay?" Kirishima interrupts. He glares with such rage at Kirishima I have to resist the urge to jump in front of him. "fine" he mutters. Wow, okay. "SAVE MIDORIYA HURRY COME ON" I yell. "okay, okay, I'm sniffing" Mutters Kirishima. We follow him and I'm wondering how were going to save Midoriya. On our side we have a overly happy ani-breed, a haf-breed with serious anger issues, and me...that alone is enough to make anyone question if were the right team for the job. "do you--""shut it" snaps Kirishima. "wow, okay that was rude" I mutter.

       ***************10 minutes later because I'm lazy *******************

 "Kirishima--""BE QUIET" he hisses interrupting me. "but Kirishima I hea--""VOICES!" he snaps. I stare at him "yeah, I was just about to...never mind" I mutter. "what? I don't hear anything" Complains Bakugou. "because your a haf-breed" he's quiet for a moment. "WHAT LIKE--""BAKUGOU shut it!" Kirishima says forcefully "right sorry. What like I'm defective or something?!" I try not to groan. "no you're half ani-breed and human, so you can poof or transform between your human form which looks like a human unlike normal ani-breeds" I tell him. "" he examined me "you can change from this shit to..." he waits for me to finish. I stare at him not getting it for a moment "oh uh a cat" he stares at me. "is your cat form red and white" uhg, I hate it when people ask that. "yeah, usually your animal form is the same color as your human forms' didn't know" He glares at me "No...Icyhot" oh no...this is going to be a very long walk. "okay I caught, I think Midoriya's sent" Kirishima says. "What about the voices" I ask, he shrugs. "I say we charge in quirks blazing...or how ever it work for you Kirishima" Insist Bakugou. "no,' I say "if we do that we might die. We don't know what we're facing" Kirishima nods. "we should scout out the area first, then we can go in 'quirks blazing' or whatever" Bakugou glares at us a few moment then groans. "FINE, but we had better get to destroy things"

" should make sure no one is--""Do you hear that?" he ask. I stare at him "no...oh" "yeah exactly you don't hear anything" he mutters. I swallow nervously. "Todoroki why are you nervous" ask Kirishima. "uh...I'm not" he sighs "yes you are your tail flicks when your nervous"  DAMMIT stupid tail. "I don't know" I mutter. Bakugou glances around "does it feel like we're being watched" he says for once not screaming. " does actually" I say. "let's hurry up" Kirishima says. We walk for another 5 minutes...more like we jog. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore. I stop and turn. "WE KNOW YOU'RE THERE COME OUT" I yell. Both Kirishima and Bakugou look at me like I'm crazy...I probably am. But right when I'm sure they'll tell me so a person steps out of the shadows. He's around the same height as me and has black spiky hair, his skin honestly reminds me of a burnt chicken nugget...weird I know (its Dabi by the way if someone didn't get that) "so you all knew I was here...hmph" he rasps. I was about to ask where Midoriya was but Bakugou just goes off. "YOU BURNT PIECE OF TOAST I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU WERE THAT BITCH WHO FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME" he rants on for another 2 minutes. The black haired guy looks at me like stop him. I shrug. "OKAY. Shut the hell up, man am I happy you took him. Kidnapping him was hard, getting that collar on was even harder...but LISTENING to you...oh my god, you can't believe how glad I am. We were going to use him more but the batteries ran out. Can you believe they use batteries for mind collars?" he mutters. We all stare at him. "but to the've come too far blah, blah, I can't allow you to go any further blah, blah, I'm killing you." Bakugou grins. "good because I'll destroy you" 

Before I can tell him to stop, he lunges forward, bringing his right hand in. The guy simply steps to the side and Bakugou stumbles forward and gets a kick to the back. Well, I think might as well do something. I sweep my right foot toward the guy and send wave of ice to trap him. That plan works for 2 seconds flat. The ice explodes in a shower of steam. Unfortunately for the black haired guy we forgot about Bakugou so when explosions sound off we know he's doomed. BOOMBOOMBOOM. It's pretty loud and my ears feel like there melting, but he caught the guy off guard. Kirishima punches him in the nose. "AHHHG WHAT THE--" he glares at us. I swallow. This is probably gonna not end well for us. "HEY BURNT TOAST!!!" yells Bakugou. The guy turns, Bakugou looks at  me like Kill him. Thankfully Kirishima got the message before me. He smacks the guy upside the head with his quirk. The guy is knocked out cold. Bakugou grinns crookedly "if there all that weak lets go" Kirishima smiles "YEAH!!!!" I stare at them. Okay Bakugou may be right but I feel he isn't.


Another chapter done! phew that was long.

Shadow Dragon OUT

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