Chapter 4: The Hunters

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oh my Satan I had no idea you can get views so fast! Like 5 people read the first chapter OoO oh my Sataaaaan thank you soooo much TwT

                                ***********30 minutes ago************

Midoriya's POV

                                   I plop myself down and eat my froot loops (froot loops are gay cheerios, your welcome) Todoroki, Kirishima, and Uraraka left about 5 minutes ago. I'm wondering if I should watch Yuri on Methamphetamine (the scientific name for Ice)  or SwitchBlade Online (like SAO???get it) or should I watch Dragon Tail...(FAIRY TAIL RIP OFF) hm. I don't even realize I'm done with my froot loops until I glance down into the bowl. "aw man"I mutter. 

KNOCK KNOCK!!! I jump and fall of the couch spilling milk everywhere "DAMMIT" I yelp. I pull myself to my feet. And stager to the door. I tug it open and then do a double take. 

What the flip?! One of the people looks almost exactly like Todoroki. I say almost because his hair is like opposite colors from Todoroki. This guy is the same height, same face...wait no his eyes are a different color. A red eye and light grey eye. His hair, like Todoroki's is parted right in the middle. One half blue the other black. One more thing...he doesn't have a scar over his left eye. I swallow nervously and glance at the man standing next to Edgelord Todoroki. He's tall and has a bunch of burns on his body and has blue eyes with spiky black hair.

"hi have you seen an ani-breed around here, like Hashien over here but more peppermint hair"mutters black hair. Hashien gasp dramacaly. "oh my, Dabi how could you say I look just like a disgusting ani-breed" Oh okay nevermind Todoroki is different in terms of personality. I can tell that Hashien is more jokey less serious...a little weird. He smirks playfully "really Dabi I can't BELIEVE you would say that" Black haired guy--Dabi glares at Hashien. "take a hunt seriously for once, I can't believe your such a jackass to have my DNA infused in you" Infused???What? A cruel light glints in Hashien's eyes and still smiling like he doesn't have a care in the world he says "Maybe I got it from you jackass, but I'm better because at least I have a sense of humor unlike some jackass I know"He turns to me happily "so have you seen our pre--good friend" I blink. Was he about to say...prey? Wait, Dabi said can't you "take a HUNT seriously for once"  hunt...prey...oh my god. These are the guys that were in the woods! Holy crap what should I do?! Maybe I should say...."uh, yeah I have as a matter of fact"                                                                                                                                                 OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!WHATTHEHECKDIDIJUSTSSAAAY!!!! 

"YUP!!!A ani-breed he uh...left...and went to...,"I trail off trying to think of a place"Housu"HOLY CRAAAP I DID THAT!!! Dabi narrows his eyes. Hashien just keeps on grinning all innocent like. "how'd you know where he went" he says. SHIIIIIT. I swallow nervously trying not to smile like a mad man. "o-oh h-he t-t-told m-me" I splutter. The smile melts of of his face replaced with the look of a person trying to decide whether or not to skin his prey or sell it. 

He decided on skin.

"I think your lying" FOOSH a blue fire lites Dabi's hand. "aw man, you know I really wanted to keep you alive! your cute yah know, guess you'll have to die now!"I should have said I hadn't seen him. 

FOOOSH!!! Dabi sends a blast of fire at me. I leap out of the way and activate One For All: full cowling. I slide back and leap off of the wall, planting my feet on the ceiling, and push off over their heads. As I fly toward the ground I flip and I hit the ground on my feet. Dabi and Hashien turn. "neat quirk Broccoli head" I blink. Broccoli Head??? As if predicted I would stop SHINC black ice freezes the spot where I was a millisecond ago. "he has skill and is extremely fast probably not strong on account of that" Says Dabi. I try not to scoff. Like that's true. I glance at the rail that leads to the ground. "better not jump Broccoli Head you'll die, it would be pathetic if you ended up a grease spot on the ground" Says Hashien. I swallow down my fear. All-Might said if I landed on my feet the shock would travel up my body then dissipate. That was why when ever he landed from a jump he stood completely still, because once he made the mistake of not doing that and ended up falling on his face. I saw that video it was on a playlist of All-Mights bloopers. Like this one time instead of saying "I am here" he said "I am hungry" and the villain was like "whut" and he replied with "...uhm...I am...HUNGRY didn't you hear me?!BE STRUCK DOWN VILAIN"oh man that was so funny. But uh anyway I commentate whether or not that's true. Okay..."PLEASEBETRUEALL-MIIIIIIGHT" I scream and jump off the rail. As I'm falling I have the weirdest image of me standing behind the rail then All-Might (in his true form) saying "Do you trust me?" on a magic carpet then I say "no"and step on the carpet with him. When your falling to your death you think strangely. And I also think Why didn't I watch Weirder Stuff (Like Stranger Things get it *sigh* I crack myself up) I hit the ground and feel a wave of pain and and nausea crashes into me. I stay perfectly still. After 5 seconds I can move without feeling like I'm about to hurl everywhere. Since Todoroki, Kirishima, and Uraraka haven't come back yet I would say they're still at the shoe store. That's where I'll go. And I take off running


okay dis chapter was long to 947 word man anyone watch Yuri on Ice? Is it good. oh yeah the show names were like amazing who wants to watch SwitchBlade Online with me and some Gay Cheerios actually...I'd rather watch Weirder Stuff...yeah. Any way hope anyone reading this is also doing work(im not)

Shadow Dragon OUT

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