Chapter 8: And this is so not aMAZEing

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if u cant tell im just making puns out of the chapter names now

Midoriya's POV

I quietly sit in the dark. It's become torture just sitting here, so i start thinking. Oh my god I'm probably going to die just sitting here. Wait was that a rat? Oh god not rats so not fun help help help. I start humming a song. Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the waaay oh what  fun it is to run in a one horse open sleigh...why jingle bells??? 

I wonder then I think I could be going crazy maybe I should talk no then I'd really seem crazy. What is Todoroki doing? Hopefully not locked in a room going crazy. Maybe he left me to rot in he wouldn't do that...would he?! I dunno I barely knew him so I am probably going to die. Oh no they bring food. Wait that's not proper grammar so yeah. So yeah what? What if they...THEY? Who is they maybe Todoroki, Uraraka, and Kirishima...oh yeah and Kacchan to but I don't think he'd want to save me. Oh man Kacchan it was spring break and I haven't seen him. Why is he so mean to me? Why is he so mean in GENERAL? A, B, C, D, E, F...wait why am I singing the Alphabet??? I dunno 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19...WHY AM I COUNTING TO 100?!?!?! I'm so already crazy. Maybe....why am I saying maybe so much? Wait saying I'm thinking. It's almost a relief when the door opens up. 

"hi Midoriya" Hashien says. I stare at him. "man I was watching are GREAT at staying sane. I mean after 2 days most people start talking to there self" I actually reply "how do you know I'm not internally insane. How do you know I wasn't singing Jingle Bells to myself. What happened to Todoroki?" He stares a moment. "oh only him. I'm right here and you ask about him" he says his voice starting to rise. "Just HIM huh when I'M so...much...better" he laughs sounding QUITE insane. "hahaaaa say his name again and I'll just kill you. I should do that now but...I want to play with you Midoriya. But he would be so crushed to see your dead, bloody, burned body..." he laughs again " makes me happy just thinking about it" his eyes land on me and he gazes at me hungrily. "but...he'd be more crushed to see you broken"

*************with that happy note to our Rescue Team*************** 

Bakugou's POV(I was getting sick of Sho somehow)

"Icyhot, Shitty hair" I call. Todoroki and Kirishima turn. "I told you not to call me that" complains Todoroki. "what is it" I glance down at my find. "the floor is hollow right here" I tell them. Kirishima grins. And I make a metal effort not to punch myself. WHY THOUGH. He's like a fucking ray of sunshine. Fucking happy and annoying. I hate him so much. "So, it's hollow!" he says. I roll my eyes "yeah no shit sherlock. I just said that" Icyhot taps the floor. "Yeah it is okay then...Bakugou--""KILL THE FLOOR!!!" yells Kirishima. I hate him. I press a hand to the floor and feel my fingers tingle. BOOM!!! We should have thought this through the fact that we were standing on the ground and that the ground was hollow. We did not. So when the floor crumbles and we start falling I think: wow am I stupid. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screams Kirishima. "oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit" I mutter. "guys we need to stay calm" Calls Todoroki. I glare at him "WE ARE FALLING DOWN A HOLE AND ARE GOING FUCKING DIE HOW WOULD YOU SUGGEST WE STAY CALM" I yell at him. 

Suddenly I feel SOMEthing tap my foot and then I'm floating. "what the shit" I say. "We...we're floating...wait" utters Todoroki. He spins and a girl flys down next to him. Wait no she's a ani-breed. "hi were you guys falling to your deaths on purpose or..." she says. "URARAKA!" Beams Kirishima he tries to lunge forward and hug her but fails forgetting we're in mid air. I hate him.

"no actually we were looking guys" says Todoroki. I feel like he was going to say something else but felt it would be wrong to say. We all float there in a awkward as fuck silence. "so were you going down or...up...or" starts Floaty bich. "down" we all say. "okee hold hands" I groan. "and why the fuck should we" they stare at me. "WHAT" I yell. "nothing nothing" mutters Uraraka (I think). Bam we fly with extreme speed(oh gods I just had a vision of that pokemon thing where May ask Brock what Extreme Speed is and he answers 'when a pokemon's speed goes to the extreme' thank you Brock we never would have guessed) I grit my teeth trying not to scream. Then floof we hover for a split second before crashing into the floor. "ow" I mutter "I hate you all" we stager to our feet and Kirishima say "you hate everything so...not really breaking news" I glare at him "fairpoint" Todoroki glances around "...why is there a map?" he says. "what" I say turning to see what he's talking about. "oh shit" I mutter "I hate mazes"


*clears throat* hello cliff hanger also this chapter had a gap that I didn't know how to fill so I just worked on it for like...a week and then came up with something!!! yaaaay three cheers for me this chapter was I think 903 or 902 words something like that be prepared for the next chapter my children it gets dark man is this chapter short...

Shadow Dragon OUT 

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