A Finger...in a tin...

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So, I was there, not knowing what to do cause my mother was coming... Maybe she would enter without knocking...I was terrified...

Fortunately I heard a knocking on the door. I quickly tried to hide the finger but I felt a....

I opened my eyes. I felt trapped at the feet and at the hands. I couldn’t understand what was happening. All, around me there was a sack. My head hurts and I didn’t understand. Wait a second... I was trapped, a second ago I was in my bedroom and my head hurts. No, it can’t be, I’ve been... kidnapped!!!  

My head remembered now. It wasn’t my mother knocking on the door. It was a kidnapper! But how did he enter! From where! What does he want!

The finger! Wait, but that couldn’t be a... a... kid’s finger! So these kidnappers got children and cut off one of their... fingers! But then what did they do with the kids?

My brain couldn’t understand what was happening... there was a moment of silence. Suddenly I heard a door opening. It squeaked like a door in a haunted house. I was scared. Then I felt someone taking me out of the bag. So I tried to scream but immediately something taped my mouth shut. I opened my eyes and saw two men immobile with on their heads a black ski mask. There was a wheelchair in front of me. Suddenly the man on it turned and I saw a very scary man...

I looked at his hands... His fingers... He didn’t have one... Wait a moment; I knew why they trapped me! They were finding the boss’s missing finger! Well I thought that that was the reason why. I wanted to ask the boss where was I and why did they get ME but I couldn’t speak. I tried to take off the tape but I recognized that also my hands and feet were taped. I didn’t know what to do. Then the boss started to speak. He started speaking about when and how he lost his finger. I listened carefully.

Apparently he lost his finger when he was a child. He lost it while he was exploring his father’s factory. He was looking at a machine and, didn’t knowing that he couldn’t touch it because it was dangerous, the machine started and accidentally it chopped off one of his fingers, but he took it home. He explained that the day after the accident his father died in a car accident. The child (the boss) didn’t even have the chance to say him goodbye. So the only thing that remembered him was the finger. He said that he kept it for a while and that everywhere he went he kept it in his bag. One day he decided to put it into a tin because if someone would have seen that in his bag there was a dead finger the people would have thought that he was a killer and they would have called the police. He started to explain that one morning he went to a bar. He sat down on a chair and ate an ice-cream. Obviously he brought his bag and tin with him. Well, while he was eating his ice-cream in tranquility a crazy man, which was beside him, suddenly stood up and got the bag. The man ran and ran but, also because the boss was a little kid of eight years old, the little boss lost the guy from his site. There was nothing to do about it. He lost forever his only memory of his father: the finger in the tin. He was desperate and he was regretting about the forever lost finger.

The boss finished speaking and started to cry. Saying the truth, with all of the bosses I have ever seen, none of them cried. But this man did. He wasn’t one of the naughty bosses. He was a kind and sentimental man. He only kidnapped people that he seemed that they had his finger, so that he could have it again. That finger was very important to him. In fact he said that he kidnapped over 100 people to have his finger. But unfortunately he never found it.

Finally he finished speaking and the two men with the black ski masks took me off the tape from my mouth. I started speaking and shouting. Immediately the boss shouted with a very loud voice. I stopped. I took some deep breaths and calmed down. The boss asked me some questions about the fact if I got his finger. I said yes and suddenly the boss cried of joy-ness. When he had finished crying (about 20 seconds later) he asked me where did I kept it. I said that I kept it in my bedroom, right where they found me. So they put me in a car and brought me home. We arrived. They got me out and I entered from my bedroom window. The boss and the other two men didn’t came in. my mother was sleeping. So, all the time I was away she didn’t even think about me!!!

I got the finger and the tin. I didn’t want to give them to the boss because that finger was an adventure. But I said to myself: What will I do with this finger? If my mom gets to see the finger she would be terrified! If I give it to the boss I will not worry about the fact that my parents would see it.

At the end I gave it to him. He thanked me and gave me a little gift. He gave me the tin were he had put the finger without labels or anything, just the tin. I thanked him and he drove away.   

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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