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   The 3 of them followed Lowell, into his car. They headed down the block in silence all four of them staring out the car windows.
   The houses they passed all seemed old, most of them were even bigger than their own house. All of them seemed to be in better condition,  nicely painted with neat, well trimmed lawns.
  They didn't see any people in the houses or yards, and there was no one on the streets.
    It certainly was a quiet neighbourhood thought Sofie. The houses all seemed to be surrounded by tall, shady trees.
  " There's the school" announced Lowell, pointing to an old brick building, it seemed as if everything in the neighbourhood seemed as if had been built a long time ago.
   There next stop was the neighbourhood church, which also seemed old as anything in the neighbourhood.

   "Have guys noticed anything out of the ordinary in the house" asked Lowell as he parked his car in front of their house.
  "Uh, no" replied Jared, " why?".
  "Its just that I've heard that weird things happen, you know like,  paranormal activities".  Im not exactly  sure if it's true but I've heard rumours.
    " Um why don't you come in, we could have a snack and talk about it" said Ian, "Im starving".
   "Im not sure" said Lowell eyeing the house with fear.
  " Don't worry, so we haven't seen anything unusual" said Ian with a laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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