Peridot came to this crystal temple where she saw this short kinda chubby boy with black curly hair yelling "she's here!". "Hey" I said as I noticed 3 other people, er...gems standing there I went with a presentation. "I'm Peridot. I have no intention of hurting anyone only to meet other crystal gems, I have searched years to find others and failed. Only the corrupted ones..."
Instead of introducing them selves the boy breaks out in a song...
" WE ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS, WE'LL ALWAYS SAVE THE DAY, AND IF YOU THINK WE CAN'T WE'LL ALWAYS FIND A WAY!" the rest start in making a harmonious sound "THATS WHY THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD BELIEVES IN...GARNET,AMETHYST, AND PEARL. AND STEVEN!" Peridot was shocked that this song had been made about her kind.