Chapter 18: Smile

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Shit they both said the same sentence

"What?" Jennie asked getting confused
"Pardon?" Yeji asked getting confused too

This is embarrassing

"Uhm, ladies. How about we go get lunch?" I suggested and guided both of them to the exit

I can't believe this thing is happening. After a few moments of walking, we reached the food court and I immediately found a table for us

"Let's chill for a moment" I said and was about to stand up when Jennie pulled my hand down
"No you're staying here" Jennie said while tightly holding my hand
"If we are going to talk about it, we're going to talk about it right here, right now" Yeji said continuing the conversation
"Uhm. Come on I'm k-kinda hungry" I reasoned out just to escape this awkward situation
"There's no one eating until we sort this out. So shut up" Jennie said squeezing my hand tighter
"Can you stop holding Y/n's hand?" Yeji asked
"I don't take orders from anyone. Who are you anyway?" Jennie asked still with her mask and cap on
"I'm Hwang Yeji and I'm Y/n's high school best friend " Yeji replied getting comfy on her chair
"If I told you my identity, will you keep it a secret?" Jennie asked loosening her grip on my hand a little
"Why would you ask that? Are some kind of criminal, con girl or idol-" Yeji stopped talking as Jennie removed her mask
"Oh shit. You're-" Yeji covered her mouth
"Jennie Kim?" Yeji whispered
"Yes. I'm Jennie Kim and I'm Y/n's girlfriend" Jennie proudly said
"How the fuck Y/n- You're in a relationship with her?" Yeji asked still shocked
"I know it's shocking right? B-But yes. She's my girlfriend" I replied trying to not sound awkward
"I'm sorry I've been rude all this time" Yeji apologized and smiled awkwardly
"It's fine actually" Jennie replied smiling back at her
"Isn't she the one you always talk about-" Yeji was just going to say something but I interrupted her
"U-Uh hey! Yeji. How a-about we t-talk for a sec?" I stood and removed my hand from Jennie's grip

Yeji and I went to the corner of the food court

"Isn't she the one you always talk about since 10th grade?" Yeji continues her question
"Yeah. And now she's my girlfriend" I didn't know I was already smiling
"Yeah right, you always talk about her. Even then up to till now?" Yeji looked down suddenly
"Well, the world works in different ways. Come on let's eat. My treat" I offered
"Uh no thanks. I-I have t-to go" She didn't look up and just left
"What's up with her?" I asked myself and shrugged it off then went to my table with Jennie
"How did you know I was here?" I asked Jennie but I saw her eyes rolled
"I read your text last time right?" She asked and I just remembered
"Uh yeah right. Why are you here anyway?" I asked
"I caught you cheating on me" Jennie sternly said
"W-What do you mean by c-cheating? We a-aren't l-legit anyway-" My words were cut by hers
"Y/n. We are going official to the whole world now. You and I can't make mistakes" Jennie reminded
"What's the matter we don't-" I replied but she stopped me by throwing her car keys at me
"Let's talk in the car" She said and left
"She still sounded so cold"


We both entered her car. She wore her seatbelt so did I.

"So uh" I started as I stuck in the key and turned on the engine
"Drive first" She glared at me
"Yeah fine" I replied and started driving
"Okay. I need you to understand what I'm going to say. Listen carefully" Jennie warned

I nodded

"You and I should have a perfect relationship in my parents' eyes, okay? I need Kim Clothings so badly" Jennie said straight
"Then what's my role here?" I asked
"Just play dumb as you always do. You know, acting and shit. You and I just need to last at least a year in our marriage, then we can go our separate ways" Jennie replied
"I know you're doing this for your parents too" Jennie added
"I get it but-" My words were cut
"It's a win-win situation, right? I will have the company, while you can just do whatever the fuck you want after divorce" Jennie pointed out
"Y-Yeah sure" I replied
"Where are we going anyways?" I asked
"Oh right, I forgot. Let's go home first" Jennie answered

She sounded like she was my wife

She will be anyway



We both entered the unit then she looked back at me

"I bought you 3 suits yesterday right?" Jennie asked
"Yep. Why?" I asked
"Use one" Jennie replied and started walking but stopped
"Uhh. I suggest you use the one you posted on Instagram" Jennie said and went into her room


I opened my phone and noticed a notif on Instagram

I opened my phone and noticed a notif on Instagram

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I came out of my room wearing the suit that she suggested. Then there she was in the living room looking at a big mirror

"Uh. Jennie?" I called causing her to turn around

 Jennie?" I called causing her to turn around

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Then she looked up at me

"You look fine" She commented
"Y-You l-look great" I replied while having a strange feeling in my stomach
"I know" She replied and looked at her bag to check everything

Shit, why did I stutter? That's fucking dumb

"S-So uhm. Why are we wearing these anyway?" I asked
"Isn't it obvious?" Jennie looked up at me again

"You and I are going on a date" Jennie smiled

That smile.

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