chapter 2

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I lied to my mom earlier,  I didn't help a woman. I helped a guy carry his bag because he was so old he looked like he was 100 years old. I lied because I knew if I said a man I would be beaten, and I'm so scared of women now because of her I can't go within five feet of them without flinching.

But my mom doesn't know that. I'm sneaking around the house and heading towards the main part of the village so she doesn't see me.

I think I know where I can find some food but it's a little farther away then I want to walk. I get to the town square and walk over to the fountain, it's the end of summer to it's getting a little more chilly out so there is frost all alone the edge of it.

I look in the fountain and see my reflection in the water, I'm small and pale I look like I'm younger then I really am. I just turned sixteen a couple months ago, but it feels like way longer. I guess you could say I'm pretty but that's dangerous where I'm from that means more trouble so I try to hide as much as I can. 

  " hello miss" I turn around startled. There is a man standing a couple feet away from me, I've never seen him before. 

" what's your name?".  He asks In a calm almost bored voice. I look nervously around to see if anyone can help me if I need it but there is no one around.   

  " my name is Vaia..."  I quietly say and look around again.     

  " well Vaia your very beautiful, may I know your age?"  I get even more frightened, but I answer anyway just to keep him away.  

" I'm sixteen" I tell him hopeful he'll think I'm to young even though I'm almost eighteen he looks me up and down checking me out. 

" that's a little young but I don't think they'll mind, your beauty will make up for it" he grins with gross teeth.

I start freaking out a little more wondering who he is talking about.  

" I think I'll be on my way now"   I say while trying to quickly walk past him in the direction of my house. 

"I'm sorry little one but I need to take you with me it's for a important matter" He sneers.

He grabs my arm and turns me towards him, I start screaming and thrashing trying to get out of his hold but he is so much stronger then me. He puts his hand over my mouth and nose making it where I can't breathe.

I'm still fighting as I start getting light headed and weaker. My mind gets foggy and I feel my body go limp right before I pass out.

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