Static Eyes

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First things first: The Static Eyes ritual is a simple ritual that has been tweaked for a more paranormal experience. It manipulates your vision and hearing and puts you into a state of conciousness in which you can communicate easier with Other Worlds.

What you need: A ping pong ball, a knife/ scissors, duct tape or electrical tape,  fresh water, a flower (optional), good headphones, a video or audio of static or white noise

The how to: 

Step 1, Preparation: Cut the ping pong ball in half and cover each half in the tape. These will be going over your eyes, so make sure no light can be seen through the halves. Find a nice comfortable place to lie or sit down. Pour the water into a bowl and set it near the comfortable space, with the flower next to it.

Step 2, Beginning: Wet your fingers in the water and brush it across your forehead. Take the flower and hold it by the stem within your mouth. Get into your comfortable position and put on the headphone, playing the audio. Finally, place the halves over your eyes, but keep your eyes open. It is okay to blink.

Step 3, The Beyond: Soon you will begin to see shapes and colors in front of your eyes, and possibly noises or voices within the static. This is your conciouness shifting into The Beyond. You may begin to feel your body going numb. Ignore it. You may come across entities within this space, and they will appear through the shapes and might even talk to you through the static. There is danger in this though. Wandering through The Beyond is relatively safe, but if you stay too long with an entity your mind may lose all concept of time and your body will shrivel away in your wake. Be cautious. If you encounter an entity, you may speak to it and ask questions of it. The flower will convey your speach into the beyond better if you choose to have it.

The End: To end the ritual, simply remove the halves from your eyes and clean up. Make sure to respectfully bow towards the space in which you performed the ritual. In summary, it is a simple ritual to have your mind travel through the beyond.

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