Chapter 18

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Alfred's POV

I won't deny it. My first reaction to the suspect was not a very adult-like. 


The boy looks to me in confusion, clearly recognizing the name. "I'm not Eric," he states dryly, as if aggravated with me.

Arthur places a hand on my arm as I try to process what's going on. The two police officers look to each other warily, and suddenly, the real Eric slams through the doors, followed by a panting Peter. It looks like they ran here.

"What the fuck?" he practically shouts, and I give him a warning look. He brushes it off, looking understandably angry. 

"Twins," I state, looking between the two boys that look almost exactly alike.

"What exactly happened?" Arthur asks, and the officers look to Eric's look-alike. 

The boy sighs and avoids his twin's gaze. "I just wanted to have some fun," he says. "I didn't think anyone was inside." 

"Johnathan, you're supposed to stay out of trouble! Otherwise, we won't be able to live together again," Eric pleads, comforted by Peter, who seems to be the only other person that isn't confused.

"Okay, I think I'm a little late," I say, holding up my hand. "Someone please explain what the hell is going on."

Eric sighs, looking distraught as he turns to Arthur and me. "This is my twin brother, John." He wraps an arm around Peter, the lifeline that's keeping him calm. "We were separated when our parents got a divorce." The captain sighs heavily. "He's been in and out of trouble ever since then."

His brother, John, flashes him a warning glare, making Eric wince, and I feel for him. I pat his shoulder, wishing I could say that everything is fine, but that isn't my call. I turn to Arthur, hoping for a supportive reaction. Eric is a good guy. It's not his fault his brother has some problems.

The Brit smiles softly as the two lovers across from us flash pleading looks. "Well," he murmurs, glancing to me. "Since he didn't know I was in there and it wasn't anyone else's fault, it's all right." He flashes them a beautiful grin, and Eric looks as if he's on the verge of crying.

John scoffs. "What is this, some sort of pansy meeting?"

"Young man, you are in no position to talk," Anne's partner states, voice gruff and pretty terrifying. "Mr. Kirkland may not be pressing charges, but you still committed arson. We have to charge you on that, and you could go away for a very long time."

Eric looks utterly distraught as they take the boy away to arraignment, hugging Peter tightly as his brother begrudgingly walks away with two officers. He nibbles his lower lip, obviously trying to not cry.

"Eric, love, do you want to come over tonight?" Arthur asks, and I smile kindly at him. He looks between Peter, Arthur, and me, caught off guard.

"I'll buy ice cream," I sing, making him grin through the tears.

"Thank you," he murmurs, pulling Peter even closer. It's adorable, too.

"Hey," I say, wrapping an arm around Arthur's shoulders. 

He looks up at me, smiling as our gazes meet. "What?"

"I love you," I murmur, making him grin, blushing madly.

"I love you, too," he returns softly, shuffling awkwardly and causing my heart to fill with pride.

"We've finally got this figured out," I mutter, and he chuckles.

"Took you long enough."

I laugh at that. He's not wrong.

"Let's go home and binge eat all of the ice cream I buy," I state, nodding as if I've said something wise.

He laughs, wrapping his other arm around me in a hug that's almost uncomfortable to walk through. "Yes, let's."


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this LAST CHAPTER! Yes, this is the end. We've found out all that's happened, and stuffs. Let me know if a sequel with Peter and Eric is desired. I'll gladly consider it, but if you want it, please include a plot to go along with it. But don't forget to leave any comments or suggestions if you have them. They always make my day! Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next story, which reminds me. I want some feedback. Harry Potter alternate universe or Rival Kingdom universe for USUK? I have both planned, but which should I upload and focus on? Until next time, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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