Chapter 15

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Arthur's POV

"Arson?" Alfred asks, looking about as shocked and distressed as I do.

I nod, feeling my lip quiver as my vision blurs. The blonde pulls me to his bare chest instantly, holding me close as my body quakes. Did someone purposely try to kill me, or was it someone just planning to burn the auditorium? I won't know until the police find out who did it.

"Hey, we're okay," Alfred murmurs, kissing my hair gently as he strokes the soft locks. "We're okay, baby," he whispers, and my nerves automatically start to relax. He's so calming. It's sort of odd.

"What if someone was trying to..." my voice cracks at the thought, but my American lover silences me with a finger pressed to my lips.

"Hey, we don't know that. Don't assume things. It makes an ass out of you and me," he says, grinning softly at the light joke. It's a welcome relief to my troubled thoughts. He's right. We don't know whether or not they were trying to hurt me, and assuming things is only going to make my head spin. I feel a tired smile make its way to my lips in response. "My dad used to tell me that one," he says after a moment of silence.

Sighing, I absently run my hand along his bare chest. "Wanna have a round two? It'll distract me," I offer, raising my brows in complete seriousness.

He grins, moving in to kiss me, when I hear the front door open and close. Then, a familiar voice rings throughout the house. "Dad! You home?" Peter calls, making Alfred groan.

"Yeah," I call back, not wanting to leave the bed. 

His feet come pounding up the staircase, and not having the time to get dressed, seeing as the clothes are scattered around the room with no sense of order to them, Alfred and I pull the covers over us. Thankfully, there's no...stains on the surface of it, which is admittedly a miracle.

My son peeks into the room, eyes immediately widening at the sight of Alfred and I shirtless and in bed together. The bright blue irises scan the room slowly, noticing the tossed clothes and our messy hair. Not to mention, there are very obvious love marks on my skin. The students won't leave me alone about this one.

"So, you guys finally had sex?" he asks, sounding slightly relieved. "I was getting worried that you two would be dancing around each other forever."

I laugh a little, nodding and shrugging. "And it acted as a trigger," I state. "My memories are back."

"That's great, Dad," he returns, excited with a grin on his face. "Oh, and before I forget, is it okay if Eric stays the night tonight?" His face looks so hopeful that I already know I won't be turning the request down.

"Why does he need to?" I counter, making his face fall slightly.

"Eric's older brother, Josh, isn't exactly happy about him being gay. His parents are okay with it, but they think he should spend some time away from his brother, to let the guy cool down and stuff.

I nod. I went through the same thing with my brothers when I came out, except they never got passed it. It's why I don't really talk to my family at all anymore. It's a shame, too. We used to be so close. "That's fine," I state, causing the boy's face to light up in happiness. "But if you have sex, don't do it in a way that'll make me catch you," I warn. He laughs, thanks me, and then leaves the room with the biggest grin on his face that I've seen in years. 

"You sure you're okay with that?" Alfred asks, and I nod. 

"Keeping them apart would just make them sneak around at night and such, and I went through the same thing with my brothers when I was about his age. Not to mention the fact that he's old enough to start deciding what to do with his body. I can't control him in that sense. If he really wants to do something, he'll find a way to do it." 

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