Lone Digger

15 1 0

The sun starts to set as the night bleed in the sky. The stars start to shine as the moon rises. Some stay home, others crawl out into the night to drink and party.

Outside a particular nightclub stood three men. They all looked the same regarding facial features, but all were completely different.

The main one, who stood by the wall of the building, smoked a cigarette while watching those who walked into the club. He had a raw looking cut along his throat. The second wore a gray and red cap, watching him smoke. The third person was minding his business with his playing cards.

"You shouldn't be smoking unless you want a hole to match with that cut, Anti." The one in the cap said.

"The day you can bitch about the smoking is the day you stop being an alcoholic, Chase." Anti retorted.

"Th-that was out of pocket." Chase said weakly, the third one snorted.

"What are you laughing at, Marvin?" Anti snarled, Marvin simply showed him his cards.

As the three spoke, another three who looked the exact same pulled up to the club. One wore a black suit, another wore a midnight blue suit with a G embroidered on the breast of his blazer. The third threw off the color balance with a bright pink suit and yellow button down with a pink mustache.

All three walked into the club skipping the line. Anti took notice and flicked the cigarette butt to the ground.

"Let's go." Anti said. Anti leads the group into the club skipping the line as well.

Music pumped throughout the halls, as the trio walked the music got louder and the bass started to shake the floor. Anti opened the door to reveal people dancing, neon lights, lasers, strippers, the whole package.

Anti lead his group to a booth that day across the men in suits. The leading man lifted his gaze from his drink and glares. Anti lifts his head up mockingly as he starts to glitch.

"Umm, Anti?" Chase leans over and whispers.

"What?" Anti turns and says harshly.

"Who are they, and why are we here?" Chase asked.

"One in black Dark, he's the leader. Blue, Google. He's a prick, lastly the guy in pink is Wilford Warfstache. He's got gun or a knife on every limb." Anti assessed.

"Even his dick?" Chase questioned.

"Especially his dick." Anti said.

Marvin shrugged. "They can't be that bad."

"Each one has a possibility to kill you without a second though, so I'd rethink that statement."

"Ok so, why are we here in front of a group of deadly Egos, 'cause I got a kid." Chase said as Wilford got up his seat and headed to the dance floor.

"I'm here to fight him." Anti said blatantly.

"You are here to what?" Chase spoke shakily.

Anti gripped him by the collar. "I never asked you to come, alright. If you're too much of a pussy to do this, leave. I can do it myself."

"Yea, Yea alright. That's cool, I'll stay." Anti let go of him, a waitress came by.

"Drinks?" She said sweetly.

"Can I get a coke." Marvin said gently. She smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing hun, you?" She turns to Chase.

"Whiskey, leave the bottle." He responds, she nods and turns to Anti.

"Nothing." His eyes never leave the brooding Dark. She leaves with the orders leaving the three in awkward silence.

"Why are you here to fight Dark?" Chase asks.

"We almost did, once, kept getting side tracked. Ended up getting eaten by the fucker's dog." Anti seethed. Chase could barely hold a laugh. "It's not funny shit-dick, I was trapped in there for weeks!"

The waitress came back with the drinks. Anti looked over to his right to find Wilford dancing on a pole while the dancers watched. Marvin put his cards down and drank from his soda, Chase was already pouring the whiskey into a cup.

The next hour was spent brooding and waiting, Wilford finally came to sit down. When he did, Dark whispered into his ear. Wilford's eyes flickered toward the trio across from them for a second and smirked. Anti clenched his fist and glared. When Dark finished with Wil, he turned to Google.

"Let's go." Anti got up from his seat and moved past Marvin.

"What?" Chase panicked.

"Bring the bottle." Anti said. Marvin and Chase got up to follow suit. Dark, Wilford and Google got up as well.

Anti stuck his hands in his pockets while Dark put of brass knuckles.

"Hello Anti, we meet again." Dark greeted.

Anti snarled. "Don't act nice, you know exactly why I'm here."

"I'll give you one last chance to run." Dark said.

Anti slowly brought his hand from his pocket. Wilford started to pull his blazer back to pull out his gun, Google started to glitch in excitement, Marvin played with his cards, and Chase gripped the bottle harder. The air was thick, tension was high, the music began to fade.

Anti pulled out a switchblade and a soon as the blade popped out, Chase banged his bottle on a near by chair and swung the broken bottle near Wilford's neck. Anti went after Dark's neck with the blade, but he easily dodged.

Marvin conjured knives from his deck throwing them at Google. The first two knives hit before he caught the third. Google split into three, on his let was him with a yellow suit, and the right he wore a red suit.

Back to Chase and Wilford, Wil pulled a gun out from his pocket pointing it at Chase. Change gripped his bottle harder as he froze.

"Don't think about moving, you wouldn't want your brains to paint the floor huh?" Wilford spoke. Chase shivered as Wilford moved closer. "Drop the bottle."

When he did, Chase was pistol whipped by Wilford.

Anti and Dark were both bloody and cut. Dark has a few slashes on his cheek while Anti had multiple bruises and gashes.

"You've gotten stronger." Dark rasped.

"Don't patronize me!" Anti went back back at him with the knife. As he slashed at Dark he heard Marvin in the corner gasping for help.

He turned to find Red and Yellow holding him to a wall while Blue punched him in the gut. Marvin's mask and cards were lain on the grown. Dark took the moment of distraction and punched him in the jaw.

Anti was sent flying to the floor. Dark walked over the Anti slowing, just as he was about to punch him again a shot rang through the bar.

Everyone turned to Wilford. "I'm honestly bored, can we wrap this up please," Wilford pointed the gun at Anti. "I'll be glad to dispose of him for you."

Anti growled and glitched to attack Wilford. Before he could get near him Dark held him in a headlock.

"Move and I break your neck." Dark whispered in his ear. Anti stopped struggling.

"You didn't have to do that, I could've taken him." Wilford complained.

"I-it do-doesn't mat-tt-tter. Let's ju-just go ho-home." Google said as he returned to one.

"Next time, think who to bring before you come at me. Understand?" Dark said to Anti. Anti didn't move, Dark pushed him to the ground before leaving the empty bar with the others.

Anti seethed of embarrassment and never spoke of that night to the others.

(I didn't mean to make it this long.)

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