(2) Kidnapping Wanker.

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His touch sent a strange tingling sensation rippling through my body, I couldn't help but wonder what in the world was going on. Was it anxiety creeping up, making my heart pound like a drum? Or was it fear, the kind that makes your skin crawl? And then, my mind, in all its daftness, jumped to the possibility that this bloke might just have some bizarre connection to that show "Black Lightning." I mean, who knows, right?

But all the pondering in the world didn't matter in that moment, because I was caught in his grip, struggling and squirming like a bloody fish out of water. I'll tell you one thing, mate, this fella had muscles for days. His grip was like a vice, unyielding and stubborn as a mule. Bloody hell, he was stronger than a herd of wild bulls, I swear it.

"Stop fussing. I won't harm you," he reassured me with a voice so deep and resonant, it could make any girl weak at the knees. And, well, I'll admit it, I was no exception.

His velvety voice had a hint of hardness and danger, matching the intimidating aura that practically oozed from every pore. Pressed against my back, he felt like an impenetrable brick wall, strangely warm and tingly. It would almost be comforting if it weren't for the fact that we were in the Women's bathroom!

Every fibre of my being screamed that this bloke was a rapist. I made one last attempt to let out a scream, but it got swallowed up by his palm, leaving me feeling utterly helpless. I kicked my legs and flailed my arms like a mad woman, but it was like battling against a solid rock. The man didn't even flinch. His grip tightened, pressing down with a force that made me fear I'd be squashed like a measly bug.

An idea sparked within me, a desperate plan. If I couldn't scream, maybe I could bloody well take a chunk out of him.

Worth a shot...

I refused to go down without a fight, even if it meant biting like a crazed animal.

"You bit me!" he growled a feral sound that sent shivers creeping down my spine. I kid you not, it was an actual bloody growl. Or maybe, just maybe my imagination was playing tricks on me?

With a vice-like grip, he cupped my face, squeezing it tightly, transforming me into some sort of fish-faced spectacle. I whimpered under the pressure, and he eased his grip ever so slightly.

"Don't make me hurt you," he threatened through gritted teeth.

His commanding no-nonsense tone brought all my frantic attempts at escape to a screeching halt. There was no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to follow through on his threats. He didn't strike me as someone who made idle threats, not one bit. He scared the last shred of rebellion I had in me right through the door.


"Good girl," he spoke firm as ever. "I'm going to release you now. But if you scream, I'll cut out your tongue. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head in compliance, seeming the only sensible option at that moment.

He released his grip on me slowly, and in a moment of sheer foolishness, I let out a piercing scream. It seemed to catch him off guard, if only for a moment, giving me just enough time to deliver a swift knee right where the sun don't shine, and make my grand escape.

He dropped to one knee, clutching his family jewels, growling and groaning in pain. I didn't stick around to witness the murderous anger that would undoubtedly follow. No, sir-ree. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I bolt through the mall, heading towards the food court.

Why on earth would they stick the bathroom at the opposite end of this bloody place?!

My heart pounding in my chest, I scanned the crowd and relief flooded me when I spotted Ethan sitting with a few other people from the bus, enjoying their meal and sharing a laugh.

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