(3) R-E-S-P-E-C-T

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Shake. Shake. Shake. "Wake up," a voice growled.

As I groggily woke up, shielding my eyes from the blinding sunlight, he impatiently yanked me out of the trunk, showing no regard for my sore muscles that screamed in agony from being cramped in that unholy place. Then proceeds to manhandle me like a bloody empty sack, completely devoid of any care or consideration. I let out a yelp as he plonked me on the ground, his hands on my hips, steadying my wobbly legs. The tingling sensation coursed through my body once again, sending mixed messages to my already confused mind.

Refusing to be treated like a damsel in distress, I squealed, "Get off me, you bloody goon!" I slapped his chest and shoved his hands away, attempting to assert my independence.

Do kidnapping victims even have independence?

He growled and swiftly grabbed my wrist, his rough grip sending a jolt of pain through me. "You want to go back in the trunk?" he threatened.

"No! Please don't put me back in there," I pleaded, fear tainting my voice.

"Then don't fucking test me," he growls, releasing my wrist.

I shot him a quick glare before shifting my gaze to the desolate spectacle that lay before us. We were at some forsaken weathered gas station marooned in the heart of nowhere. As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but endless desert.

Cue the tumbleweeds.

I'm sure there are a few buried bodies out there somewhere, just to add a touch of mystery to our delightful little pit stop. I contemplated using this opportunity to call for assistance. But who was going to hear me?

The cactus? Or the corpses?

Maybe I could make a run—

"Don't even think about it," he warned and forcefully dragged me to the backseat of the car.

"Why are you doing this? Please."

He ignores me, opened the door, shoved me inside, and got in beside me. Instinctively, I slid to the other end of the seat and yank at the door handle. To my dismay, I realized it had the child-locked feature enabled.

Meanwhile, the girl in the front seat playfully smacked the driver's shoulder and exclaimed, "Pay up!"

He reluctantly pulled out some money from his wallet, which she snatched away with a triumphant grin.

Shaking his head at their childish antics, my kidnapper resumed texting on his phone, seemingly indifferent to my disoriented, terrified, and confused state. The bloke behind the wheel started the car, and off we went.

Kidney harvesting here I come.

There wasn't much to do, and I was pretty sure they weren't going to tell me where we were going or let me go free anytime soon. So, I decided to study my captors, ensuring that the sketch artist would have a masterpiece-worthy rendition of their vivid faces. As I observed the prick beside me, my fear was momentarily distracted by his striking appearance, I couldn't help but acknowledge his undeniable attractiveness. It seemed like a cruel twist of fate that my abductor had to be so devastatingly handsome.

He had a head of hair darker than a moonless night, perfectly styled in a rugged bad-boy fashion. Probably spent more time fussing over it than I do trying to figure out which shoes I want to wear. And that tan skin of his? It practically radiates like he's on a bloody holiday in Ibiza. All those muscles, not too bulky but just the right amount of fit. His chest was broad, his shoulders sturdy and squared, emphasizing his masculine presence. His physique was a testament to his physical strength and discipline.

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