(4) Attack of Godzilla.

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As I lay there, snugly wrapped in what felt like the poshest bloody sheet imaginable, I couldn't help but indulge in the sensation. It was like being hugged by a thousand-thread-count cloud, sending waves of warmth and tingles all over my body. I inhaled deeply, a soft moan escaping my lips as I sank further into the heavenly fabric.

A low growl emerged from beneath the sheet, but did I let that bother me? Not in the slightest! I clung tighter to my cosy sanctuary as if to say, "You can growl all you want, mate, but you're not ruining this moment for me."

Somewhere between awake and asleep, I caught snippets of voices in the distance. They were like a radio playing on the lowest volume, their words barely reaching my ears. It was as if the universe itself couldn't decide whether to disturb my peaceful cocoon or let me revel in uninterrupted bliss.

Begone, I say!

In that moment, I chose to let go and surrender to the absurdity of it all. Who needs worries and decipherable conversations when you have a divine sheet wrapped around you, after all? So, I snuggled in even deeper, and let the whimsical embrace carry me away to a land of utter contentment.

"Down, boy. She's asleep," a voice snickered, teasingly.


"Shut up," growled my cosy sheet.

"You know... You could give her to me. I'm all into cuddles," a deeper voice said.

Did mum catch a cold?

"And I'm all into snapping necks," My sheet stated matter-of-factly.

Hold on... Why is my sheet chatting away? And why does it feel hard, with arms?


In a moment of sheer panic, my eyes flew open, and a high-pitched squeal escaped my lips as I scrambled frantically, desperate to escape the clutches of none other than my arrogant jerk-off kidnapper.

"Bloody hell," I groaned, the sharp pain shooting through my body as I slammed my head into the car door.

The impact sent a jolt from my aching back all the way up to my throbbing skull.

I didn't! I blinked in disbelief as the realization sank in—I had been cuddling my kidnapper all along. The warm tingling sensation that still danced upon my skin seemed to confirm the uncomfortable truth. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, shattering any semblance of comfort or safety I had momentarily felt.

Stockholm syndrome!

After a moment of collecting my thoughts, I finally noticed how dark it was. Which meant we had been on the road for quite some time. The unsettling realization of how far we had potentially travelled sent a chill down my spine, intensifying the sense of uncertainty and fear that already gripped me.

"Where are we? Where the bloody hell are you taking me?" I blurted out, the desperation evident in my voice as I pleaded for answers.

My hand instinctively rubbed my throbbing scalp, a lingering reminder of the impact of the car door.

"Calm down," my kidnapper sighed beside me.

The darkness obscured his face, leaving me unable to decipher his expression, but I could feel his eyes on me, his gaze unsettling and penetrating.

"You kidnapped me, and you expect me to calm down?" I retorted, my voice trembling with a combination of fear and anger, fueled by the frustration of being held captive without any knowledge of our destination.

"North Carolina," he finally revealed.

"North Carolina? That's going to take at least another bloody day of driving, assuming there are no roadblocks. Just let me go, and you won't have to worry about anything. I won't breathe a word to anyone, I swear."

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