Chapter 21 return

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Ink slowly and painfully open his sockets. His vision was blurry so he blinked a couple of times to get his vision right and when he did all he saw was a white void. It took him a moment to realise he was in the anti-void. He proceeded to move but he couldn't move, he realised that his hands were tied above his head and his was resting on his knees with his ankles tied together, he began having racing thoughts 💭 what happened? Where am i? Why am i all tied up? Was I kidnapped? Who kidnapped me? Where's Dream?💭 all Ink could remember was that he was with Dream running from someone and then he broke his knee, desperate to know what happened he began began screaming for anyone to hear him, he screamed and screamed and screaming until his throat was all sore and raw. Ink saw in no point of screaming so he just stayed there and waited until something happens, what else is he suppose to do? He was tied up so he can't wonder around and his throat is sore from scream.

He waited...

And waited...

And waited.

Eventually waiting became boring and Ink decided he has to get outta here, first he has to get himself untied from the thread that are holding him captive. He then cane up with a plan, he grabbed ahold of the thread that tied his hands up and pulled himself up and, he then began chewing on the string. After a few moments of chewing Ink finally freed his hands from the string. now with his hands free he then proceeds on untiring his legs. After Ink removes the last bit of string he got up and looked around for anyway out. In the distance he saw a portal to a random AU, this is Inks only chance. He started walking towards it only to be stopped with something wrapping itself around his arm. Ink looked over to see what it was, it was blue thread" where do you think your going" It was Error" I didn't say you can leave" Ink began pulling on the strings hoping they will break. Error smirks at Inks panicky behaviour and taunts him to worsen things" don't think you can just wonder around like that, it's rude to just wonder off when someone wants to spend more time with you, how would you like it if i wondered off when you want to spend more time with me" oh I'm sorry Ink, you so boring I think I should wonder around you home for some time" Error starts walking towards Ink. Ink began pulling harder on the strings and made panicked whimpering noises" you know it's also rude to talk over someone" Errors coots" are you even listening?" Ink wasn't listen to a word that Error said, he was in a state of panic. Ink finally manages to break free from Errors thread, he tried to run away but Error stops him by grabbing his arm" and it's extremely rude to just leave when they are not told to" Error spat in annoyance. Ink panicked even further" e-e-Error p-p-please l-let... let me go!" Ink stutters, tears began forming in his sockets. Error just put on an annoyed face" now your just plain rude, have you even listened to a single word I said to you?" Ink struggles against Errors grip, he clawed, whacked, hit and pulled" it appears you haven't listened to one bit of my words" Error sighed in annoyance. Finally Ink manages to break free of Errors grip and bolted to the portal. Error huffed in annoyance and went after Ink. Ink tumbled through the portal and landed on the wet moist ground of the Waterfalls in Storyshift, he quickly regains his stammer, gets up and ran like his life depends on it. He ran and ran and ran until he skid to a stop, Ink was puffed out and exhausted. Then his right knee started hurting, Ink groans a little from the pain. He sits down and lifted his pants sleeves to see what the pain was from. His knee looked all crooked indicating that his knee is broken💭great💭 Ink thought to himself. Ink then heard a voice" have you seen my sibling? I haven't seen them anywhere, they've been missing for months and I still can't find them" it was one of the echo flowers and it sounded like Asriel's voice. Ink did remember seeing Storyshift Chara's body when he was in the Anti-void 2 months ago. Ink can just imagine if Asriel finds out that Chara is dead, he would be devastated, he decided to not worry about it since Ink himself is in a lot of shit. The sounds of the water made Ink calmer and more relaxed, Ink closed his eyes and relaxes and eventually he fell asleep.

To be continued

Errors new puppet (Undertale AU horror story)Where stories live. Discover now