chapter 10 I'm sorry

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One month later

A month as past and things haven't gotten any better for the two skeletons. Error would come every 2 to 3 days and target either one of them. He'd torture them in various ways, from throwing them across the void to forcing either one of them to beat the other. Ink seems to have changed dramatically, he's no longer the hyperactive guardian who always makes friends everywhere he goes to a broken paranoid skeleton who is now damaged beyond repair. Dream too has changed, he's been all quiet and all depressed and he been having panic attacks for quite some time and nothing could calm him down, even Ink couldn't calm him down so it always ends with Error knocking him unconscious. The two couldn't even sleep due to the amount of fear and paranoia they are in. Error has done something.

He destroyed two loving guardians all for his entertainment.

Then one day, everything changed...

Ink and Dream were dangling from the razor-sharp strings that cut their bones and leaking bloodstained their clothes and bones and it hurt a lot. Ink was weak and exhausted from massive blood loss. It looks like he's finally sub coming to Errors torture and he's gonna die, where nobody would find him. Ink knows Error will be back very soon because it's been 3 days since Ink and Dream last saw him. He sighed and prepared his body for more scars. Then Ink felt some one tap him on his hip and it spooked him a little" hi puppets" it was Error, Ink gave him a glare of desperation" just...get it over with." Ink whimpers" your begging me to kill you?" Error said"aw I thought you'd like HANGING out with your friends, and besides, I brought some friends over" Dreams sockets widened in shock"" He whimpers. Just then, Dream felt something slimy underneath his chin.

It was a tentacle.

"Hello Brother" it was Nightmare"did you miss me?" Dream began to breath panic whimpers, his entire body began shaking violently and he began to struggle. Then Dream felt a sharp pain on his side like someone had just stabbed him. That because he was begging stabbed. By Killer" H.I. D.R.E.A.M." Killer said, his creepy smile further panicked Dream who is now pulling on the string that held him captive. The strings began the cut deeper in Dreams bones and blood began squirted out from the wounds.

Ink tried to regain his senses on what was going on, only to have an axe at his throat" hey there squid, its very AXEiting to see you again" Horror smirked, licking his teeth" oh come on Ink, don't be all AXED up" Cross then appeared. Great, Error brought Nightmare and his gang here and now this doesn't look good. The next thing Ink knew, he heard screaming. Inks sockets widened in terror when he turned his head only to see Dust holding Dream in a arm bar while Red punches him in the face multiple times before kicking him in the knee, breaking Dreams leg. Dust then pushes Dream to the ground and Nightmare and Killer started kicking Dreams legs, furthering damaging his legs. Dream then began screaming and begging for mercy. everyone stopped what they Were doing and listened to what Dream was screaming" OKAY OKAY I GIVE UP PLEASE JUST KILL ME ALREADY, JUST.... GET IT OVER WITH!!!" Nightmare couldn't believe his eyes, His brother is begging for death. Ink was in complete shock that his good friend gave up. Just then, the string apprehending Ink then untied themselves and Ink fell onto the floor, hard. Then Cross kicked Ink hard in his side and giggles" heh, you just can't bring yourself to fight back" he chuckles. Ink looked over at his broken friend and started tearing up"...d..Dream...?" He whimpers with pain in his voice. Dream couldn't even turn his head to face ink, he could only look around with his eyes"...I....I'm sorry...." he whimpers back before fainting.

To be continued

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