Part Three (Thank God For Hot Tubs)

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Even though it took longer than expected -which was about three weeks- for me and Lapis to arrange our next Hottub hangout, she didn't make that time awkward.

She still showed up atleast every other day- often more than that- and bugged me. But it was welcome. Never had I ever been more glad that things were more or less normal. But as I sunk into the familier heated water that bit of fear bubbled up into my chest much like the bubbles that popped in between me and Lapis. We weren't on opposite sides as we had been for a bit last time, but more about a strange two thirds away, both sitting on the edge.

"Lapis, I need to-"

"Talk? I figured." She chuckled. Making a light sweeping gesture. "This has become our Hottub safe zone."

"That makes it sound lame."

"You're lame."

I rolled my eyes. The tension lightened a bit, and I looked at her again, meeting her eyes. Even with everything, I had to remember we were best friends. Even me being a weird, mostly loner nerd, and her a slightly damaged pretty counsoler in training.

A weird time to remember that Lapis was very good at reading people and assessing situations. Which made my stomach bubble again.

"Maybe I am a bit lame…"

"For crushing?"

"For crushing on who I'm crushing on. And being kind of a wimp about it."

She smiled. "Cmon, you've always been a bit wimpy."

I smiled back. "I'm working on it. Which…" I rubbed the back of my neck and picked at the waist of my swimsuit nervously. "Which is why I need to stop stalling and get to talking. Which I… I'll do. Soon. Tonight. Right now. Or… in a few minutes."

"It's fine Peri. Take your time. Meanwhile… I think I should tell you something."

"Okay?" Lapis was a bit gaurded, I mean, least to me, but still- about stuff since her and… him. But I was curious.

"Close your eyes."

"Strange request. Fair enough, granted. Is this about your crush? I'd like to hear about him or her too y'know." I closed my eyes, laying my hands on my lap. "If this makes it easier to tell me, I understand. Eye contact is hard to maintain."

"Oh shush. I'm giving you a gift."

I raised a brow. "Why?"

I felt the water move and a hand touch my shoulder. I had to take a extra slow breath. Chill out. It's lapis. 

There was a pause, then a sigh.

" We made a promise, at graduation. Do you remember?"

I nodded. "Always be honest if it counted. Never hurt eachother. Stay together." I laughed a bit. "Not that we planned on leaving town anyway. And it seems like so long ago. 5 years passes quick. Huh?"

"I haven't been honest with you. And it counts for alot. And it's kindof been eating at me. For a while. A long while." She paused, her hand falling off my shoulder, and another sigh. She sounded so… sad…

"Lapis, it's… it's okay."

"It's been… so hard. And I held that fear, that… it would mess our friendship up. Similar to your situation. But… for years. Since junior year." I could almost picture her nervous. Playing with something in her right hand, biting her lip, the same pain in her chest.

"And you're going to tell me?" I said softly.

But instead of a verbal response, I felt her move and her arms move behind my head. And suddenly a necklace clasp was hooked, and I opened my eyes to blue eyes, shaking, and Lapis shaking just as much. I instinctively grabbed her hand. But my chest seized. She was so close. The tension I felt was going to make me implode. 

Two girls, A hottub, And tensionWhere stories live. Discover now