Chapter 2

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Tori POV
Today was the day I met my victim Jackie, yes I was nervous because I was going to be the one who destroys her,I was going to be the one who breaks her heart beyond repair...the problem was I don't think I am able to. " Tori get your ass to work." Time to fake a smile, be obedient and kill who they want killed.

Jackie POV
I heard their was a new employe replacing my old security, she was a few minutes late which I wasn't pleasant about but hey it's her first day right. As soon as I gave up on waiting the door of my office opened with my stuff guiding the employee which I presume is my security " my apologies miss Tomas, we had a issue downstairs with the doors. This is Tori your new security, she has her files and paper work..may I be excused?" I nodded "you may, get those doors fixed while I take a look at her papers." She turned her heel to follow my command, I gestured for Tori to be seated she seemed a but uncomfortable "Relax you seem a bit uncomfortable, I don't bit." I said which made me giggle, she chuckled and Lord was it adorable! Anyways "okay, what makes you worthy of this job? Blah blah we finished the interview and I think she should be fine but I was still going to have to keep my guard up, There was something which just didn't seem right..

Hope you enjoyed, next chapter soon x

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