First Day

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"Wake up loser" Sonny kicked the foot of Henry's bed

"Go the hell away" Henry groaned, throwing a pillow at her

She caught the pillow then threw it back at him "Josiah is here" Sonny turned and walked out the room

Henry got out of bed and quickly showered before throwing on a t-shirt and jeans and rushing downstairs, where Josiah was talking to Scott and Malia McCall.

"Morning" Henry told his parents, grabbing some orange juice out of the fridge

"Ready for your first day of Junior Year?" Scott asked his son

"Was you ready for yours?" Henry retorted

"Actually yes, that's the summer that I actually started focusing" Scott said

"That's what you tell our son" Malia rolled her eyes

"And you Mrs. McCall?" Josiah wondered

Malia and Scott looked at each other and Scott chuckled lightly as Malia answered "Um no not really"

"Mama!" A voice came from upstairs

"I got him" Scott told his wife before rushing out the room

"You're going to be late" Sonny commented as she walked into the kitchen

"Damn" Henry threw the juice in the fridge and grabbed his bag

"Come on, Kylie. We'll drop her off at school before we pick Tal up" Henry told her

"Bye sweetie" Malia hugged Kylie then Henry

"Have a good day, sweetie" Scott told Kylie as he came down the stairs before the three younger kids rushed out the house after they said their goodbyes and left

"Wasn't you still a coyote beginning of junior year?" Sonny asked

"Yes I was but couldn't exactly say that I was a coyote running around in the woods with my dead sister's baby doll"

"Good call, I'm going for a run" Sonny headed towards the door

"Shouldn't you be heading to that College that we pay all that money to teach you?" Scott asked as he handed Delgado to Malia

"First class is at 10" Sonny told him before walking out the back door

Henry and Josiah dropped Kylie at her middle school before they picked Talia up from her family's house.

"So you losers ready for junior year?" Talia asked, leaning in the front seat of Josiah's car

"As ready as we can be" Henry sighed

"This is going to be so fun, there is a bunch of fun events and trips, not to mention lacrosse and basketball" Talia smiled

"Let's not forget all the drama too" Josiah added

"See your both sour wolves that's your problem... fine think of it this way only one year left after this and the Stilinski's party" Talia reminded with a big toothy grin

"You get all this personality from your mom, right? Cause your dad is just mean and scary looking. He sure as hell doesn't talk as much as you" Josiah commented

"Neither one of her parents have personalities like hers" Henry stated

The car pulled into the parking lot, the three got out the car and headed into the school. They walked past Lorraine and Claudia Stilinski, who were talking to the some guys about their party.

"Quit staring" Talia shoved Henry slightly

"I wasn't" Henry denied

"Sure you wasn't" Josiah chuckled

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