Players and Pieces

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It was still initiation, and players have formed pairs; some have even 3 members already.

"Our last pairs have been formed sir, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren," said Proffesor Glynda as she watches over the duo.

"Poor boy. I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Ms. Nikos," said Proffesor Glynda.


"I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat.. I guess we'll find out soon enough,"

"Y/N on the other hand seems more experienced in combat than the other students," Ozpin was intrueged by this and opened his tablet.

"Yes, it seems that he does have excellent combat talents,"

"I mean, he kills those Grimm like he would know what they will do, it's like he's reading their every movement,"

"Mr. Y/N's healing powers is superior than any healing semblance or even aura, but his aura is still the same with every student here,"

"Glynda, would you mind keeping an eye on Y/N's fighting skills and technique? I'd like to get to know him a little,"

"Alright, I'll be sure to do that. It seems like at the students' current pace they might reach the temple within a few of minutes. Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year? Proffesor Ozpin?"

"Hmm.." was all Ozpin said as he monitored Ruby and weiss on one screen, and Y/N on the other screen.

"It's definitely this way. I mean.. this way! It's definitely this way," said Weiss while wandering around, meanwhile Ruby sat on the ground and played with leaves.

"Alright, it's official! We passed it,"

"Why can't you just admit that you have no idea where we're going?" Asked Ruby.

"Because I know exactly where we're going!" Replied Weiss, Ruby crossed her arms.

"We are going... to the forest temple!" Ruby groaned at Weiss.

"Oh stop it, you don't know where we are either!"

"Well at least I'm not pretending like I know everything!"

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"It means you're a big stupid jerk and I hate you!"

"Ugh! Just keep moving!"

"Oh, JuSt KeEp MoViNg! HuRrY uP! WaH, wAtCh WhErE yOu'Re GoInG!" Said Ruby while imitating Weiss.

"Why are you so bossy?!" Said Ruby.

"I'm not bossy! Don't say things like that!"

"Stop treating me like a kid!" Said Ruby.

"Stop acting like a kid!" Replied Weiss.

"Well stop acting like you're perfect!"

"I'm not perfect!"

"Not yet.. but i'm still leagues better than you," said Weiss while she walks away.

"You don't even know me.." said Ruby.

Meanwhile, Yang and Blake had already arrived at the temple.

"You think this is it?" Yang asked Blake, and Blake just went into the temple.

"Chess pieces?" Asked Yang as they observed the relics.

"Some of them are missing, looks like we weren't the first ones here," said Yang.

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