The Burden

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Y/N wakes up to the distant sound of a whistle being blown.

"Who the fuck was that?" Said Y/N as he sat up from his bed. He wandered around his room.

"Oh yeah, class.." said Y/N as he rubs his eyes.

"I need a drink.. no, it's way too early in the morning.. coffee might help," said Y/N. As he brews his coffee,

"Alright! Weiss, Yang, Blake, and their fearless leader Ruby has started their first mission!" Said Ruby from the room across the hall.

"Banzai!!" Said Blake, Ruby, and Yang.

"I hate my ears," said Y/N.

Y/N takes his freshly brewed coffee and puts it in a cup. He takes his cup and sits on the window.

"This is relatively peaceful.." said Y/N as he drinks his cup o' joe. Y/N gets back inside his room and puts down his cup, He walks into the bathroom and starts to clean himself up, he looks at his arm.

"A QR code? How the hell did that get into my arm? And how have I just seen it now?" Said Y/N as he stood in the shower, water flowing and he observes his right upper arm.

Y/N finishes his shower and gets out of the bathroom, he puts on his ironed student uniform and covers it with his leather jacket.

"I should get going," said Y/N as finishes his coffee.

On the way to his class, he sees Team RWBY and Team JNPR running in the hallway.

"Y/N! Hurry! We're gonna be late!" Said Ruby.

"Late? Okay.." said Y/N as he starts running, his running speed defeats Ruby's sprint. Ruby used her semblance to keep up with Y/N.

"You're pretty fast!" Said Ruby.

"Thanks, I try to," running for Y/N is no easy task, thanks to his metal skeleton.

"We're here!" Said Yang, as they reached Prof. Port's class.

"Monsters! Demons.. Prowlers of the Night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I; merely refer to them as prey," said Proffesor Port, his class was boring to the students but not to Port, because he very little teaches, and talks about his past.

"And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as other kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely tedming with creatures that would love nothing than to tear you apart,"

'I'll tear Ozpin apart for making me go through this bullshit!' Said Y/N in his mind.

"And that's where we come in! Huntsman! Huntresses! Individuals who has sworn to protect those who can't protect themselves! From what you ask? Why... the very world!" Said Port.

"And that is what you are training to become! But first, a story! A tale of a young, handsome man, Me!" Said Port.

"I am going to kill you!" Said Y/N as he whisper shouted.

Y/N looks down and see Team RWBY giggling and laughing.

"At least the kids are having fun.." said Y/N.

"The moral of this story? A true huntsman must be honorable! A true huntsman must be dependable! A true huntsman must be strategic! Well educated! And wise! So who amongst you believe themselves to have these traits?" Asked Port.

"I do, sir!" Said Weiss, surprising Y/N.

"You sure about that?" Asked Y/N, quietly. Apparently Weiss heard that and glared at Y/N.

Remnant's Wolverine (Wolverine!Male Reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now