42| Keep You Safe

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No artist could have rendered the day more beautiful. The sky was brilliant blue, the grass shining in the sun. They sat in white chairs out on the lawn, surrounded by friends and family of Morgan and Savannah. Weddings were meant for such perfect afternoons.

"I never thought I'd see the day," Emily laughed. "Derek Morgan, a married man." She had jumped through hoops at Interpol to get time off for the wedding, and had flown in from London just that morning, swearing she wouldn't miss the wedding of her friend. After all, he'd claimed, she sort of owed him for the whole faked-death ordeal. The least she could do was come to the ceremony.

Emily sat to Bianca's left, along with JJ and her boys, while Penelope was to her right, nearest the aisle. Tara had been unable to get away from research for the day, and the men of the BAU were otherwise occupied at the present moment.

Penelope sprung to his defense. "Oh, have some faith in him! He just needed to find the right person!"

"Are we sure she's not just an actress he hired to make him look good? I mean, she's gorgeous."

JJ laughed. "I never thought Emily Prentiss would be coming up with conspiracy theories at a time like this. You know you're not supposed to drink until after they say I do, right?"

Emily held her hands up in surrender. "On that, I plead the fifth." They all burst into giggles at that. Bianca was about to speak when a firm hand found her shoulder, and she turned in surprise to see Rossi.

Emily whistled. "Well, don't you look dapper. I thought you were supposed to be back ensuring the groom doesn't get cold feet?" The wedding was being held at an event center the Hayes family had chosen, and while the wedding was outside, the wedding party had inside preparing.

"It's not the groom I'm worried about," Rossi said, raising his eyebrows. "Which is why I'll be needing to borrow Mrs. Reid. You've been summoned."

Bianca turned to the others with a shrug, and followed as Rossi led her across the lawn and into the building. Down a hall was the room where the groomsmen had been getting ready all morning. Three times Rossi knocked, before the door swung open, and Morgan grinned at them.

"Much as I love you, I regret to inform you this room is only for the brothers of this wedding party," he teased. "Otherwise you know Garcia would have been in here hours ago."

Bianca laughed, knowing full well he spoke the truth. The other men in the room were milling about behind him. Savannah's brother gave a brief glance their way, and Hotch waved at her as he fastened his cuff links, as Spencer quickly brushed past the groom.

"Sorry Morgan, I'll be right back," he said. Having evidently completed his mission, Rossi slipped back into the room, closing the door behind him. They were the only two in the quiet hallway, covered with navy carpet. Tiny golden diamonds zigzagged across the dark hue. Spencer rocked back and forth on his toes, unable to stand still.

"Is everything okay?"

"I can't do this," he sighed. There was no need to ask what he was referring to. It was the same thing he had been agonizing about for weeks. Practically since the moment Morgan asked him to be his best man, he'd panicked. It wasn't standing with him or showing up to the wedding. It wasn't even the bachelor party – Rossi had volunteered to take care of that, much to his relief. It was the speech.

Bianca reached up to straighten his tie, a bemused smile on her face. "You absolutely can." Red silk slipped easily through her fingers, the fabric no longer crooked. No matter how many times he adjusted ties himself, they always seemed to end up a little off-kilter. Despite the lack of symmetry, he looked dapper and polished.

The Keeping of Words | Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now