43| Only Us

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"Would you like to know your future? If your answer is yes, think again. Not knowing is the greatest life motivator. So enjoy, endure, survive each moment as it comes to you in sequence – a surprise." – Vera Nazarian

On the weekends he was home, he would sleep in late. He never was a morning person, while she preferred to get up and start her day. It wasn't unusual for her to go out for an hour long run, come home, shower, and find him still fast asleep in their bed. It only became a problem when they had things to do.

On that particular morning, Bianca came upstairs from the kitchen to find he'd slept through all three alarms he'd set. Or rather, he'd pressed snooze on all of them. "Spencer, we're going to be late," she said, setting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's too early for this," he mumbled, squeezing his eyes shut tight.

She shook her head, bemused. "You're the one who made these plans."

He rolled over to face her, still refusing to open his eyes, and making every effort to appear as though he was still sleeping. "Well, I've changed my mind. Just let me sleep." Even without having worked a case this week, he was exhausted. She sometimes wondered if years of exhaustion left him perpetually tired, the stress of it all catching up to him on weekend mornings.

"I'm not leaving until you get up."

"Is that so?" He opened one eye, before lunging to grab her arms and yanking her down onto the mattress with him. Before she could protest, he started tickling her, and any objections soon turned to giggles. Between gasps of laughter, she pleaded for him to stop, and he acquiesced. Leaning down, he peppered her neck with soft kisses, and she sighed, nestling into his chest. "See?" he murmured. "Why don't we just stay like this? We can lie in bed all day, just the two of us, reading and watching movies."

It was tempting, she couldn't deny that. The bed was warm and soft, and to stay there with Spencer was more than comfortable. There were only two things he ever really wanted out of his weekends, and that was to sleep in and to spend time with her. It made her happy, to know that she was enough for him. Before him, she'd never imagined she could be so enough to somebody like that. It still felt too good to be true. People sometimes talked about how the grander things in life left them in disbelief; of the awe they felt about landing their dream job or winning the lottery. It was the little things in life that most surprised her. The fact that she could spend lazy mornings being loved by him, that she could laugh with someone so easily. That was what most felt like a dream. The daily magic of having him in her life.

"As much as I'd like that, Morgan and Savannah are expecting us. Don't you want to see your godson?" At that, despite groaning, he finally sat up and agreed to get dressed. No matter how much he despised early mornings, he loved Hank.

When they reached the house, Morgan greeted them with a grin. "Well, well, Pretty Boy and the little lady. I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it." Bianca looked at Spencer, who was actively pretending not to notice. "You just missed Savannah – she got called into Bethesda last minute. Hank's still asleep, so until he wakes up, you're stuck hanging out with me."

They followed him inside to the living room, where he already had three cups of coffee waiting – a large container of sugar beside them.

"I feel like you're making fun of me, but I can't bring myself to mind," Spencer said, grabbing a mug and carefully spooning sugar into it.

Morgan laughed. "I know how you take your coffee, kid. So what's new at the office?"

"Well, we still haven't found Scratch. Anderson bet Rossi that the Los Angeles Dodgers would beat the Cubs to get into the World Series, so Rossi is now using him as a personal assistant until the Series is over. Oh, and Luke Alvez has permanently joined the team!"

The Keeping of Words | Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now