The Begining Of The End

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Danielle felt elated.

She felt as if she was having the longest week of her life. She was losing her interest and her drive to do anything. She never felt happy about anything or at least she thought.

To her it was hard to explain, and anytime she would her friends would say she's being over dramatic or that her problem made no sense, the same with her insecurities everyone says she has an amazing body but she just didn't feel comfortable in her own skin.

Big breasts that bounced too much during basketball and had stretch marks all over, decent butt that she didn't care at all about, a tall body that just was taller than anyone she liked, and the face that she could see every flaw in.

She hated herself. She hated school. Her grades were dropping and she couldn't keep up, she was stressed.

But alas she was in her last class then she would have spring break. Unfortunately it was basketball, the class she now dreaded. Ever since basketball season ended and they moved all the teams to the same class period and she couldn't keep up.

She was indeed fast and her coaches knew this, anytime she would fall behind the coaches would always say 'your faster than this Evans' and though this should be encouraging in a way she couldn't help but feel even more pressured to be better. Somehow it didn't happen and she was always behind.

Today though the coaches were not here, in fact they were watching the playoffs for the other contesting teams that they sadly lost to. It was a close game. Since they were gone they left the seniors in charge with a pre-planned workout. Weight room then a ladder.

She pushed through weight room as best as she could, the came the ladder aka a lot of sideline running. For today's ladder they would start at the highest amount of down and backs to the lowest and back up. The first few she was in the front but she got winded very fast. She soon dropped from one of the fastest to the slowest.

She was trying she really was but she just couldn't catch up anymore, and then she felt it. It was small at first but then it grew. A pain in her hip. They were almost half way through the ladder. She was already getting made fun of for her inability to keep up. So she kept going.

By the end of practice she couldn't take it. She was on the brink of tears. The pain in her hip was painful anytime she stepped on her left foot. She slowly put on her cloths and walked out to where she waited for the bus with her friends. She added nothing to the group and no one in it actually cared about her but at least she wasn't alone, right?

By the time she made it to the front of the school she couldn't take it she was crying. She rarely cried unless she had a lot to cry about and she did. The project she didn't do causing her to have a zero in GeographyH. The fact that she is forever failing EnglishH. Her inability to keep up in basketball. Her shitty friends. And the pain shooting in her hips.

The first person to notice her very emotional state was of course Eve since they had a thing where they would hug as soon as they saw each other. It's hard to hide your ugly crying face and voice when you have to hug and say 'hey boo' to someone.

"What's wrong boo?" Eve asked

Danielle explains the situation to her. Hating how she began to attract the attention of her other friends with either her heavy voice or her disgusting crying face. She calmed down after about five minutes of depressing thoughts and glances from the friends who didn't care or wanted to say something but didn't speak up. But it's not like she stopped all of the groups shenanigans they were still playful and such. In her group she was sadly renegade girl because she was on TikTok all of the time and even danced to the sounds. But she didn't like the renegade. She just liked to dance.

Regardless after she calmed down she went to sit on the bench that held two boys who once held her attention. Jesse the friend of her ex and Leo who she had on and off feelings for, but if she was being honest she may have never liked either.

Jesse, while still being playful asked Dani if she was ok. She felt that he was being genuine because he wouldn't have asked otherwise. After answering she tried to join in on the conversation and to joke with her friends, but she couldn't suppress her nagging voice in her head.

In what felt like forever, her bus finally drove into the bus area. As Danielle rose from the bench her hip seemed to have become a little better from resting the of course her friend Raven came out of nowhere and pushed down on her shoulders which woke the pain the seemed to have left earlier.

She mumbled to him that she had to go then limped to her bus, each step adding more pain to the throbbing joint.

The whole way home she stared out her window hoping no one could see her in pain.

Leaving down the stairs was worse than coming up, and she still had to walk longer to get home.

As she limped whilst crying she thought 'at least I have a week off' trying to shed any light to her dark situation.

When she got home she went straight to bed.

To the start of spring break.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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