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Jack Williams

Jack Williams has been a combat medic for years so removing bullets and patching up wounds was a natural situation for him, this time however he was removing a bullet from a child, thank god she was unconscious, the pain of all this was extreme, then again so was getting shot in the first place

He bandaged her wounds, the second bullet had just barely missed the child's left knee, walking would be painful for a long time

When he was done he put a blanket over her and walked to Amy

"She's stabilized now, nothing was to permanently damaged, she'll survive "

"Good, keep an eye on her"

Amy turned back to Evelyn
"It's ok, she's gonna be fine"

Evelyn stayed silent

Jack sighs before taking a walk around their new hideout, it was spacious and sturdy, no way any zombie could get through the thick metal walls

He unfurled his sleeping bag setting it near one of the doors that he had boarded up and laid down, this would be one long fucking night

Banshee 1

Jakob Larson, or better known by his call sign as banshee 1 had the job of dropping whatever umbrella abomination they put on his chopper

He was nearing the drop zone when he turned to his co-pilot

"Well, we're almost there, I've been wondering, are we the good guys? I mean I know umbrella is trying to deal with this zombie thing but most of the time we seem to be dropping things that kill normal people to"

Banshee 2 aka linda Sorensen shrugs
" umbrella says we're doing the right thing but I'm not sure, Damnit what if we are the bad guys?"

"Shit I don't know......."

The reached the drop zone in 1 minute

"Alright boys, get that thing off our hands"

The crew in the back of the chopper pushed the big metal box to the ramp at the back then over the edge dropping the monster inside about 200 feet down

"Made god have mercy on whoever gets in that things way"

The tyrant woke as her capsule hit the ground, it opened slowly with a puff of steam and she stepped out hoisting up her Gatling gun and scanning the area

She identified 21 targets 7 were human, 14 were infected individuals

She raised her Gatling gun and began to fire

She killed all of they infected individuals and wounded at least 2 of the humans, she determined they were part of the special tactics and rescue services


She chased after them, her primary mission was to capture mutation subject designed V.M.S, which stood for virally mutated subject

None of these individuals were the V.M.S so she could engage her secondary objective, terminate S.T.A.R.S agents

She chased them speeding to a slow jog in pursuit

Hank Jarvis

The monstrous abomination smashed through the wall like it was nothing, ripping straight through brick and metal

It was a big one, roughly 10 feet tall, grey skinned with short hair with emotionless grey blue eyes a Gatling gun strapped to its right arm

Shouted our commander as he drew his service pistol and unloaded a whole mag into the thing

But it walked through unfazed, it didn't even seem hurt even as holes were ripped in its giant black trench coat

It grabbed the first solider and crushed her skull then used her body to smack the next few away

It was unstoppable, not to be reasoned with or fought, the only thing you could do was run

So that's what hank tried to do, he mad it only 5 steps before the gun mowed him down ripping his torso apart, he lived just long enough to watch the monster slaughter the whole squad then move on as if nothing had happened

Mark fisher

Mark was going to leave the safe house to look for supplies, as much as Amy said it was suicidal they needed food, badly, especially if they had a kid to feed now

He skulked through the streets as silently as he could avoiding zombies where he could kill them with a knife where he couldn't, he didn't use his gun because that would bring every zombie in the city down on him

He wasn't as dumb as everyone was in zombie movies, which he had watched a lot of

He was sneaking about when he heard and felt the thunderous footsteps of something big

"That a fucking dinosaur?"

He dived into an alleyway and waited, he was about to leave when he saw the giant silhouette pas the ally slowly, the ground shaking with each step

"What the absolute frickity fuck was that?"
He whispers to himself not willing to move an inch Incase that thing saw him

Thankfully it went right past him

Mark sighs in relief then gets back to sneaking, although he was checking over his shoulder for that thing now

He found a grocery store and smiles
"Jackpot "

He went in and took what would be useful

Food, water, bandages and to his delight he found ammo that fit some of the guns they had in the gun section, mostly hand gun

He also grabbed 2 shotguns thinking the could com in handy but that was about all he could carry

He less stealthy this time mad his way back to the warehouse knocking on the door 3 times to signal it was him

Amy let him in and they all checked his score

Jack and Evelyn both took a shot gun making mark the only one without one

Mark remembered the monster he had seen in the ally
"Amy, I need to tell you something, there's something out there, it's not a zombie, it's like a monster, it was giant "

"Really? What was it?"

"I don't know but it was scary as shit"

She mulls this over and sighs
"This whole world is going to hell in a hand basket"

They all go silent as they hear the footsteps and feel the floor shake


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