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Athena noticed the S.T.A.R.S agents assisting her in her fight by pumping bullets into the infected individual and not her

She analyzed this in her mind, perhaps they thought she was protecting them as well, she wasn't, she was only protecting the marked V.M.S, the officers were only alive because she had more important priorities, perhaps she could use them to her advantage

She returned her full attention to the infected individual and brought her hand down in a hammer fist to the top of the monsters head feeling the satisfying crunch of the skull cracking as she shifted her weights and brought her knee into the side of its jaw

She grabbed one of its arm and tripped it forward before putting a boot on its back and yanking its arm back viscously tearing the ligaments in the elbow, she gave another yank and tore the skin taking the arm clean off

The S.T.A.R.S fired at the thing from all angles as it was on the ground, they ripped through it with concentrated fire with each of the teams signature weapons

One of the males raised a shot gun and ran at the thing blasting its other elbow and blowing away chunks of flesh and muscles

Athena grabbed the other arm and ripped it off as well before stomping down on the infected individuals head, when the first stop didn't give the desired results she stomped again, then a third and final time was all it took to flatten and splatter the head all around

She stood up straight and began to walk away with the V.M.S in her custody, her primary objective was to protect and revive the V.M.S and return her to Umbrella H.Q

"Stop! Put the girl down!"
One of the S.T.A.R.S officers yelled at her

She ignored the voice and just kept walking, if she hadn't already had the V.M.S she would have killed them as her secondary objective stated, but since her primary stated that she return to base with the V.M.S ASAP then objective 2 was over written

She then felt the sting of bullets hitting her back as the soldiers open fired on her

She made sure to use her body to protect the V.M.S from harm

Athena grabbed the front bumper of a car throwing it backwards at the officers but the bullets continued a few seconds later

She just ignored them, her only need was to protect and deliver her targets alive and unharmed


Amy followed the monster who had stollen Eri pumping a full clip of lead into it as it walked away

"You mother fucker! Let her go!"

She doges out of the way as it easily tossed a car back at them

This thug was much bigger then what commander redfeild had warned them about, they could really use someone like chris right now, maybe even leon, just someone who knew how to deal with something like this

She kept shooting but the tyrant didn't give a shit as it walked away

"What are we gonna do captain?"
Jack asked, in all the excitement he let go of his normally very controlled accent letting his Irish origin show

"Yeah! We have to get Eri away from that thing!"

Evelyn growled out as she shot the giant to no effect

"I don't know what we can do, this is worse then what Chris described"

Mark rolled his eyes
"That guys on roids or something, we should follow that thing, not to be a downer but we stand no chance at killing that thing and getting Eri back without heavier weaponry like a RPG, they always seem to work"

"We'd need more then that! Doesn't S.T.A.R.S have any cooler shite? What are the millions of dollars of research and development going to then?"
Evelyn said panicky as she tried to calm herself by rambling a bit

Amy sighs
"Mark, Keep trying to get command on the phone, we have to get something to take that bitch down and get our girl back "

"Our girl?"

"Shut up jack! You know what I mean"


Eri didn't try to move at all as the giant woman carried her, she only shifted around to get more comfortable when she could, she could feel the raw power thus thing had. She wouldn't dare try to run

She was so scared that Terrified didn't do it justice, all the gunshots and fighting gave her really bad memories

She hated Amy and everyone was fighting for her, why couldn't they just forget about her? It would be for the best she thought

Everyone around her always seemed to get hurt, she hated that so much! Because it was always her fault, always ......she couldn't do anything right

She felt the tears roll down her face but tried to stop them, crying wasn't allowed...... at least that's what she had been told, but she couldn't help it

She decided to sneak a glance up at the giant woman's face, it was grey with with grey blue emotionless grey eyes and white hair, her face was actually quite pretty except for the ugly places where bullets and other things and sliced through it, but to her surprise the cuts and gashes closed themselves before her very eyes

She was Aw struck, of only she had something like that, it would have come in handy when she had gotten shot by Evelyn when they had first met what seemed like months ago but had in reality been less then a day

Huh, surprising how attached she had gotten to the S.T.A.R.S team even after one of them had shot her and she had spent so little time with them

She already missed them, especially Amy who had been so kind, mark and jack were both funny, Evelyn.....had shot her but other then that she had given Eri her name, a name she could love, something she really needed

She was jolted out of her thoughts as the spinning blades of the helicopter drew closer

The giant walked towards it silently

(I worked days on this, please enjoy and leave a comment)

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