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"I can't believe you said that!" Sunny says, slapping her knees and doubling over at the waist as we walk down the hallway.

"What?" Matthew replies with a shrug, fighting the grin that spreads over his face. "It's true; Mr. Paulson totally looks like a walrus when he's ticked off. His mustache gets all wiggly, and he bares his teeth like this." Matthew grimaces and holds his index fingers at his lips. "I couldn't help it; it just came out. At least, he didn't hear me."

"You called him Mr. Walrus!" Sunny cackles, covering her reddening face with her hands.

"He did, and the only reason Mr. Paulson didn't hear him is because I was in the middle of asking the stupid question that ticked him off in the first place," Dalton adds, slipping his hand into mine.

Butterflies perform synchronized swimming routines in my belly as he runs his index finger over the lines of my palm. I'm lost in the sensation when Matthew says, "I gotta run, I have to make up a government quiz before class starts. See y'all later." 

"I have to go to the bathroom." I let go of Dalton's hand. "Come with me?" I say to Sunny.

"I can't; I have lunch detention." She kisses both me and Dalton on the cheek. "See you guys after school." Waling away, she shaking her head, muttering Mr. Walrus. Genius.

"Wait for me?" I ask Dalton.

"I'll be right here."

I grin at him and disappear into the girls' room, going to the last stall as I always do. I'm almost finished when I the door opens and a familiar gaggle of voices fills the empty space. Rolling my eyes, I reach for the toilet paper and think, Why can't they find another place to hang out?

"He's looking extra hot today."

"Are you kidding me, he's hot every day."

"I know, and that's what makes it so mindboggling that he's still hanging out with her."

"Don't remind me. I almost threw up when I saw them at the movie theater."

I stop just short of getting to my feet and hold my breath. They could be talking about countless people.

"I think Dalton and Maddie are kind of cute together."

The smack of a clicking tongue and a disgusted scoff resound through the restroom.

"Sierra, you're kidding, right? It's like an elephant and a lion dating."

"A hot lion."

"It's just wrong. Someone had to put Dalton up to it. There's no way he's dating her of his own free will."

I bite my lips and blink away the tears threatening to run down my face.

"Yeah, of course I was kidding," Sierra says. "Maybe Maddie has some dirt on him."

It was one thing when she ditched me for them, but this new painful ripping of my heart trumps that. Even someone who used to care for me can't figure out what Dalton sees in me.

"I give them another two weeks tops."

All three girls laugh and exit the bathroom.

I brush the back of my hand over my eyes and hurry to finish up. When I open the door, I find Dalton standing across the hall, his back to the lockers, and his hands stuffed in his jean pockets. I keep my head down and head for the lunchroom.

"Hey, wait for me!" Dalton jogs after me and tries to slip his hand in mine, but I curl my fingers into a fist. "Maddie?"

I continue to walk toward the cafeteria.

His hands rest on my shoulders and he spins me around. "Madeline, what's going on?"

I sigh and shake my head. "Nothing, I just need to eat fast today because I have studying to do." I turn to go but Dalton slides his hand down my arm, lacing his fingers with mine.

"Madeline," he whispers, and it feels like we are the only two people in the hallway. "I saw the Perfs come out of the bathroom before you. What did they do to you?"

I swallow over the lump in my throat and close my eyes. "Nothing. They didn't do anything to me, Dalton," I murmur, but I know the lie is clear.

"Fine, what did they say?"

"Nothing I've not wondered myself." He opens his mouth to press me again, but I squeeze his hand and flash a strained smile. "It doesn't matter. I don't want to think about it. Really, I'm over it."

He tilts his head and studies me for a moment. "All right, but I'm coming with you. I promise to be quiet while you study, but I can't promise I won't sneak in a kiss."

That earns a genuine smile. "I guess we should find a quiet corner in the library then."

"Sounds like a lunch date."

Maybe the Perfs are right and my time with Dalton is limited, but that just makes me want to savor these moments all the more. For now, it's me and the boy of my dreams.

 For now, it's me and the boy of my dreams

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