Chapter Two

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 A bright stream of light emerged from the blinds of his room. Niall stretched. He loved Saturdays. He enjoyed sleeping in and a day all to himself with no obligations. He sat up and decided that he was going to attempt to make a big breakfast. He hadn't had more than a cuppa in the mornings for weeks. Niall let Reuben out in the garden and turned the radio on and started to hum along. He opened the fridge and pulled out carton eggs and tied his apron on when his mobile started to ring. He moaned hoping it wasn't the editor calling to have him re-write his article. Niall was shocked to see his cousin Liam on his caller ID. "Oi Mate!" Liam greeted. "I just so happen to have tickets to a football match in the city if you'd like to join." Niall grinned. He sure did need some plans, and it would be nice to reconnect with someone that wasn't his dog.

As Niall greased his frying pan, Liam added, " There is one problem, Nialler. The match does get out pretty late. Could I stay in your guest suite?" Niall winced remembering that he hadn't had a guest in months. The guest suite was cluttered, but he supposed he could make do.

Niall replied, "If you don't mind the mess then I'd love to host you."

"Splendid. Meet you at Emirates Stadium this evening, yeah?"

"You can count on me"

Niall finished his omelette grinning ear to ear. "Reuben, I guess you're going to find another dinner date tonight."

After cleaning up from breakfast, Niall scrubbed himself up and decided to change the linens in the guest room. He tried to remember the last time he even had a guest in the house. He thought it may have been his mum coming up for shortly after Grace moved out. After she left, a piece of him broke. For weeks, he couldn't function--he didn't sleep, he didn't eat.

After his mum, Maura, caught word of this, she was on the first plane to Heathrow. Grace hadn't even fully moved out yet. Mum tried to nurse him back to normal. He felt a little boy home-sick from school. She stayed for a couple weeks to put his pieces back together. She'd make sure he woke up, had something warm to eat. She held him when he cried until his face ached like she did when he was a child. The Guardian let him work remotely for a while doing movie reviews. Mum would make his favorite baked spaghetti dish, and they'd watch a film together. Without her, Niall didn't think he'd be doing so well.

Niall grabbed some clean linens and headed toward the guest suite. He twisted the door knob and took in a breath of the stale air. He coaxed Reuben from jumping on the bed for a nap and stripped the bed. He looked around at the decor of the room, he hadn't been here in so long- it was hard for him to believe that this was still a part of his house. He fixed the fitted sheet and tucked the comforter in; Liam was sure in for a treat he thought. Niall opened the window and was caught by the cold November chill. He paced toward the closet for a quilt. He slid the mirrored door open, and what he saw took his breath away

He'd recognize it from a mile away. This had been tattooed in his brain from the moment he saw it walk down the aisle toward him. He saw a dress bag zipped open to reveal Grace's wedding gown. The gown was an a-line with long lace sleeves that was covered in beads. She must have left this as one final, "Fuck you, love". This completely opened up the wound. This broke down all the strength he had mustered up this morning. Niall fell to his knees. He was instantly brought back to the moment he first saw it walking down the aisle through his teary eyes. He remembered the stuffy navy blue tuxedo she insisted that he wore. He remembered his best-man, Harry, a friend from secondary school, saying, "NICEEEE" and offering a fist bump as she waltzed down the aisle. Niall remembered catching her green eyes and completely broke into happy tears. He was full of bliss. He was able to join in a union with his best friend forever, and the way this dress hugged her curves was unforgettable. She looked angelic with face-framing curls and a veil perched on the top of her up-do. She laughed and choked back tears as she approached him. Niall couldn't believe this woman was now a stranger to him. She had promised him an eternity of love--not an eternity of loneliness. Niall slammed the closet door and dashed into the bathroom. He splashed cool water on his face as he was hyper-ventilating. He bit down on his sweater sleeve to drown out his sobs. He felt woozy and on the verge of a panic attack. He backed into the closed bathroom door and eased himself into sitting to try to bring himself back to reality. He had been doing so well for so long, but he knew what he had to do. He reached up on to the counter to grab his anxiety medication. He only kept it for emergencies. Shortly after she left, it felt like he took one everyday. He shook a small white tablet into his palm.

The next thing he knew, he was being woken by Reuben licking his nose. What was he supposed to do? He was certain she had left it on purpose? She had stabbed his heart, and this just twisted the knife. Does he call her? Then Niall's eyes rose to the ticking clock, and it read 4pm. "Shit" he muttered to no one in particular. He had to get ready to meet Liam. Some normal human interaction could help...maybe. He splashed more water on his face and dragged a comb through his hair. He tried to repress the memory, so he could enjoy the night with Liam. He grabbed his glasses, a pair of jeans, his red Arsenal F.C. crewneck, and slipped on a leather jacket. He hastily typed, "See you soon, Payno," and headed toward the tube station. 

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