Something Old.

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It was the end of summer holidays and the start of a regular and miserable but a bit tolerable schedule.
Since we all were starting after a break like everyone else i, met my friends and met my classmates. It was great to be occupied with something more than my thoughts. The day was fine and school time was over, as i reached my home i was half dead. I freshened up and had some food, started doing nothing good. I went out and i came back after some time i actually enjoyed that day, i watched the sunset amid the clouds while i was in the ground and playing, the thing about time is it passes by just to piss you off, so my time that day passed way too fast, i reached back home and had my dinner. Then picked up my phone and started to text my friends, and for obvious reasons she was a friend now, i had already 3 pending messages from her which were the brief questions of the well being of me and my family.
So i texted her the answers and questioned her and waited for her replies, while i played some games. Her text came back and she was all fine and her family too, i asked her about her day and she said she enjoyed it, she met with her friends and loved their presence. She asked about my experiences and all i said was the day was "OKAY" to which she said you won't die if you enjoy. It was almost midnight and i texted her goodbyes, wished her health and tried to sleep. I woke up at 4 and was shit scared,eyes full of tears, it was starting again, it was haunting me again,they were nothing new but my same old nightmares.

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