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You and Soryu were spending the day out together and had just stopped at a café for some coffee and cake when you both overhear a group of girls on the table over whispering about you.

"That guy is hot."

"Mm, he is. I see him coming in and out of that famous hotel a lot."

"That girl, I think she is just a maid who works there. Why would someone like here be with him?" The girl paused and gasped, "They wouldn't be dating would they?"

"No way. He's way too good for someone like her. He must feel pity for her and took her out for lunch, that's all."

"You are right. Of course. Someone like me would be way better suited for him than that ditz." The girls all began to laugh at your expense.

You lowered your head towards the table, hurt by their words while Soryu's face grew fiercer by the minute, "I can't take anymore of this." Soryu slammed his hand down onto the table 'shocking you' and stood up from his seat. He pounded over to there table and sent both hands flying down towards it  glaring at the girls who looked to be in shock, "Do not talk about my girlfriend like that. She is twice the person any of you will ever be. Where do you all think you come from that you can just down talk about someone like that." Soryu said lifting his hands off the table and folding his arms, "I can see why you don't have boyfriends, you all need to go back to school and actually learn some manners and maybe work on your intellect, because from where I stand I see a bunch of kids." The girls gasped from his words aa he walked off back towards your table.

"Come. I don't want to stay another second in the same area as them." Soryu said lifting you up from your seat.

"Thanks..." You whispered putting your arms around Soryu and leaning your head on his shoulder. "No one talks about you that way... They are lucky I let them off easy. Next time they might not be so lucky." Soryu said in a serious tone causing your head to perk up, "Um, Soryu. Don't do anything reckless, please?" You said and Soryu softly kisses your cheek, "Sorry, when it comes to you I sometimes lose control. I promise I'll do everything to protect you from people like that in the future. I can't have anyone hurting the one I love..." He said squeezing you tight.

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