chapter 2: New beginings

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Ishitha wants to tell her parents that she is does not want to marry anyone at the moment and she nearly was going to do so. When she was going to tell she overheard her family talking about giving ishitha away to aditya which is far away relative. Her anut and mother was having fun conversing how the future wedding of ishitha sinha will be. Ishitha could not bear her tears from coming out so she quickly went to her room and started crying. As time passes by she cries herself to sleep.

A week later the groom family came to see ishitha. Eventhough she was not keen in getting married she agreed for her parent's society image. Aditya and his family was impressed with ishitha so they decided to get them engage at that upcoming weekend as they had important business matters after that they had to fly off to delhi. Eventhough it was rush ishitha family agreed because they knew ishitha was up to no good due to her london plans.

Ishitha plans to run away with her friend (alia) help right after the engagement. So she pretends happy while the family is preparing for the engagement to take place. Meanwhile ishitha's friend alia helps her get visa and a home to stay at london which is alia's cousin house. Alia is ishitha's most trusted childhood friend whok is also known by the sinha family.

As the engagement evening arrives,the romantic boy aditya gears up to ask ishitha for a date before the engagement. Aditya gets ishitha's number through her mom and calls her.

Aditya : hey ishu... ermm i can call you that right i mean am happy to have you as my life partner and all but i wanna ask before we belong to each other. Can i?

Ishitha: haa hi actually can we meet i wanna tell you something about me...

Aditya can't control his happiness and cuts the call sending a sms "meet at topcafe at 5pm on fri evening"

Ishitha is now certain she should tell aditya about her desires to go to london and settle down there. As said ishitha applied for a job in london a few months ago and they accepted her just yesterday after her marriage proposal. She needs to attend a interview in london so the run away plan is just nice so she can get a job and settle down there!

When she was going to meet aditya she brought alia along with her so she would not feel tensed as she has not dated anyone before and really interacted with any male friends before.

Alia agrees to come along and support ishitha in whatever she does. Aditya prepared a dinner table for 2 and was waiting to escort ishitha to the table by waiting at the enterance of the cafe. Ishthita brought some cookies ftom their family bakery to gift him as a courtesy. When aditya saw alia with ishthia he was upset that ishitha was not alone but still went on with his date as planned. He asked the waiter to add another chair to the dinner table.

Alia and ishitha came and set.

Alia : wow ishuu you gotta suchaa amazing financee who does this amazing stuffs for you!

Ishitha: ermm techincally he is not my fiancee yet...

Aditya : how ishu do you like the setting? Btw i wanted to tell you something.

Alia interupts...

Alia :even ishu wants to say something...

Ishitha: shut up alia let him speak first

Aditya: okay alright then, i want to marry you ishu will you marry me?

Ishitha : you gotta be kidding right? We only met a few days ago...

Aditya : nope actually i have seen you in a wedding party before and i fell in love with you i even followed your social media check it if you do not believe me....

Alia quickly whips out her phone and she shows ishu. Ishitha tries to calm herself.

Ishitha: i think i need some time so see you at the engagement tomorrow bye!

Both ishitha and alia leaves the cafe.

Alia: what's wrong with you? Why didnt you tell him that you are not interested in marraige and want to go london. Also about yr job application being approved?

Ishitha : i don know i will just get engage to him i canmot hurt someone just because i don wanna marry. I will just get engaged and run away to london with a excuse of job.

Alia: As your wish i will always support you my bestie!!!

Thats all for this chapter next update will be out soon... hope you guys like the new characthers aditya and alia. They are going to support our main leads later on.

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