chapter 9

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Sehun's arm stopped her
Mania:what are you doing man? Who are you?   
Sehun: I...(he stops saying anything and gently lower his arm)
Mania: what I...? (She looked at him with questioning eyes)

Sehun keep on staring her both are looking at each other and then sehun take off his cap and then slowly lowered his mask only thing hes having on his face is artificial glasses..
           After showing his face he stood still and slowly moved his face much closer to her and softly said "I'm sehun just sehun"
Mania find herself dumbfounded by the situation and she keep on staring at him (Sehun is 6ft tall whereas she's 5.6)
After a seconds mania comes to realize the situation and embarrasly move her face in other direction and cough....
Mania: sehun...why are you here,how can I help you.
Sehun: I want to have a cup of coffee with you? May I..
Mania: well, Mr stalker don't you know it's a crime and being an idol stalking doesn't suit you..
Sehun: I'm here as sehun not as an idol so, can I have a cup of coffee.
Mania: ...hmm...okay come inside (she lead him inside the room)

There's only one room and kitchen shelf in it.the room is small having single bed and sofas on both side kitchen shelf with stove and one rack and cupboard along with the sink...
Sehun gets in and sits on sofa comfortably...
Mania goes straight to the washroom after placing her bag on bed....
After 2 minutes she comes out in casual pants and oversized dress shirt...her hairs are tied in messy bun and she's not wearing glasses.
Sehun: you looked good in these outfit.
Mania: what...yeah..maybe thanks (she doesn't know how to response to this sentence)
And start making coffee without paying attention to the man who's sitting behind him and continuously staring on each and every move of her ..

Mania:here coffee ready (gives one cup to him and sits on bed)
Both sit facing each other After a minute of silent and avoiding each other eyes mania break the silent
Mania: what are you doing here?
Sehun:for coffee..
Mania: sure,okay then drink and leave.
Sehun: I have something to talk with you.
Mania: say it I'm listening (take a sip of her coffee)
Sehun: okay, actually I.. want to say that..
Mania:(cuts his words) wait,I forget to put sugar in my cup (she stand to put sugar in cup)
Sehun:stop(he give his cup to her and take her and instantly sip from it)
Mania: (again dumbfounded) what are you doing?
Sehun: you can have mine because I don't drink coffee with sugar (he wink at her and start sipping )
What you want to say!
Sehun: I like you(he said with all straight face)
Mania: Huh excuse me what are saying (she said in english)
Sehun:(confidently replied in English) I like you and want you to be my friend
Mania:well,I don't want this....yes you are my bias but im realistic person I know reality..
Sehun: I like you as a person sehun not as an idol (he said with all his sincerity)
Mania: but still I can't afford this I don't even belong here and im leaving on 30th of this month...

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