Part 4: Because I Love You

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"Niall?" A voice whispers from above me. "Niall?" I groan, rolling onto my side again. "You have to get up."

"Five more minutes, mum." I grumble while digging my head into my pillow.

"It's not your mum, it's Harry." He chuckles. I roll my eyes before looking up at him.

"What the h*ll do you want?" I mutter.

"Allison just woke up." Harry smiles down at me. I shoot up from the bunk, just barely landing on my feet. "The lads ran out the door as soon as she woke up, they wanted to wait for you." We run off the bus, through the parking lot, and into the hospital. We finally make it to her room where the lads were standing.

"Finally!" Louis claps his hands together. "I was about to go without you! Come on!" He pushes open the door and the five of us shuffle inside. Allison was sitting up in the bed, staring at us blankly when we have all entered. "Hey, Ali. How are you feeling?"

"I-I-" She stutters, seeming as if she couldn't put any words together. "Wha-" My heart beat increases while she just continues to stare at us with a confused look. "Aren't you that gay boy band?"

And that's when my whole world came crashing down around me.


*Allison's POV*

"What?!" I bellow. "Danny is in Australia?! Why did you let that happen?!"

"Um..." Liam trails off. "you were the one who told him that it would be ok to go."

"Why would I do that?!" I squawk.

"You loved him, that's why you had to let him go." Zayn tries to explain. I swallow the lump in my throat.

"So let me see if I have all this." I say. "Last year Danny and I were adopted by Lewis."

"Louis." He corrects with a frown.

"Yeah, same thing." I shake my head. "We were adopted by you and a bunch of stuff happened where I ended up losing my best friends, nearly being killed, ran away twice, got kidnapped, was almost killed again, found out my mum was still alive, let Danny go, he went to Australia, I began calling you two mum and dad, and you guys went on tour?"

"Yeah." Harry nods.

"Wait, you didn't tell her about u-" Eleanor clears her throat, cutting whatever Niall was going to say off.

"You're all caught up on what you need to know." Eleanor tells me.

"When do I go home, exactly?" I ask.

"Erm, we aren't...near home?" Perrie tries to answer.

"Where are we?" I raise an eyebrow at them.

"New York." Danielle bites her lip.

"Why aren't we going to tell her?!" Niall suddenly shouts, making me flinch in my seat. "You are not caught up on what you need to know! Ali, please, you have to remember me! You have to remember what we have!"

"W-what do we h-have?" I slur, terrified that he had been doing to me what dad had.

"Niall, come on." Liam begins pulling him towards the door.

"No, Liam, please! Allison! She has to know! I have to tell her!" Niall screams while being dragged out of the room. The door slams shut after them and I frown.

Who is that blonde boy and why does my heart beat so loud while he's screaming my name?


"Louis, just tell me!" I whine. "I want to know what he was screaming about."

"I can't." Louis shakes his head.

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